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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Apocalypse’ Wave of Releases Is BIG

4 Minute Read
Aug 7 2024

Marvel: Crisis Protocol is gearing up for a crazy amount of Apocalypse related releases in September. And I’m here for it.

I was doing some double checking after Atomic Mass Games held their Ministravaganza in regards to Apocalypse releases. That’s when I had to do a double take to confirm just how massive this wave of releases is going to be. These sets are slated for September 27, 2024 which is the end of next month. So let’s just list them out.

Apocalypse Related Releases For Marvel: Crisis Protocol

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Apocalypse $69.99

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Shrine to En Sabah Nur Terrain Pack $69.99

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Dark Future Terrain Pack $74.99



Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Rejuvenation Chamber Ultimate Encounter $124.99


Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Angel & Archangel $39.99


I’m including the Angel and Archangel release as part of this because Archangel is probably Apocalypse’s most famous Horsemen and that seems appropriate.

Just looking at the releases above …this is a HUGE release for Atomic Mass Games and for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. From a pure dollar amount the total for all these releases is $339.96. That’s a lot for an MCP wave. That said, I’m still pretty excited for this one for a couple of reasons.

Apocalypse Brings The Goods

We have to start with the man himself: Apocalypse. He’s launching his own Affiliation when he comes to MCP to start. Furthermore, he’s an absolute unit in MCP. He’s going to be a monster on the tabletop in his regular form on top of being a fun looking model, too.

While his “solo” box is on the higher end for a character in MCP you also have the fact that you’re getting multiple arms and a few terrain features to work with, too. He’s also got some unique Team Tactic Cards as well as Horsemen cards for his Affiliation. He’s a bit more expensive than Thanos but I think it’s justified overall.

“But Thanos came with his Ultimate Encounter included as well as the Black Order releases — that was a bigger release, right?” While that might be mostly true not all of the Black Order came out at the same time. Additionally, the Black Order didn’t get anywhere near this much terrain support either. Anyhow, let’s continue.


The biggest ticket item in the set is the Rejuvenation Chamber Ultimate Encounter. AMG talked about this during the Ministravaganza and it sounds BONKERS. In terms of Ultimate Encounters this one is going to be most intense one thus far. That’s a good thing.

In terms of price point, it’s steep. But you’re getting a terrain set combined with all the cards and extras you need for the Ultimate Encounter. The terrain is pretty impressive! If you’re an MCP fan this is going to be a fun one to have in your collection. Keep in mind you’ll be able to use this solo or in conjunction with other Apocalypse-themed sets — if you have them. But you will need this if you want to run the Ultimate Encounter.

The terrain is effectively the same as Thanos’ throne, but bigger. There’s even an insert for Apocalypse at the based. Personally, I am more excited about busting out this Ultimate Encounter more than just playing standard games with Apocalypse. The UEs are some of my favorite ways to play MCP as they tend to be very thematic and fun.


We also have the two other terrain sets to look forward to. Each of these kits is themed to fit Apocalypse and when you’ve got them altogether you’re going to have an amazing looking board. I also like the idea that these pieces take us out of the urban setting that most MCP tables look like. Then again, I’m TOTALLY using the same board I always do with these pieces.

As much as I want to have themed boards for Asgardians, Wakanda, and others I don’t have enough space to do that. Thankfully there’s plenty of great gaming mats out there to fix that problem.

I don’t know about other MCP fans but at the end of September I’m going to have one heck of a hobby project on my hands with Apocalypse and this whole wave. I’m thrilled! Good thing I’ve got plenty of time to save up for this hobby expense.


The Apocalypse is coming!


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol - 'Deadpool & Wolverine' Crash The Party