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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Asgardian Terrain Packs Up Close

5 Minute Read
Aug 26 2024

The Asgardians are here and we’ve got their new Terrain Packs unboxed and up close. The Battle for Asgard is coming to your tabletop!

We already unboxed both the Asgardian Shrine and the Battle For Asgard Terrain Packs. I was teasing that I had them built. Well now it’s time to dive into the kits and see how they turned out. I learned a few things along the way I wanted to share as well. So let’s get into them!

Asgardian Shrine

First up we have the Asgardian Shrine. This is a rather large kit. I really think this is designed to be a centerpiece terrain kit for the table and possibly your collection. It’s the anchor for the Asgardian Terrain for sure! It’s got a few things I really like and a few I’m a little iffy about.

On thing I do like is the foot print of this model. It’s going to take up a chunk of tabletop space for your MCP games so it’s very likely to come into play. It’s good for blocking line of sight as well. The Terrain rules in MCP are a little different and more abstract that some other tabletop skirmish games. If you’re playing with this kit, it’s basically a Non-interactive Terrain feature in game turns. So, no, you really can’t toss this one around. But you can still get on top of it!

I also like how much detail this kit actually has. Sure, it’s hollow underneath, but it’s sturdy and looks good. I love the stone work and the floor of this piece. The columns are also simple but interesting. And the statue is also a nice touch.


One less I did learn while building this one is that the shorter, broken columns are a little tricky. I followed the box art for placement but ended up swapping two of the columns because they just “fit” together in the slot a little cleaner. There’s also a few gaps here and there. I’ll probably use some sort of filler for those. The gaps are tough to avoid because you have to hold it tight while it’s setting. I’m not too worried about it because, again, I can fill those and they are mostly in the “rocky” outcropping.

I also like how this piece has some really “flat” surfaces to play on. So it’s still a usable feature. There’s very obvious parts that block LoS and it really adds some interesting surfaces to play on. As for the stairs…well, it’s tough to get a mini to balance on those. My recommendation for those is just bring some dice to place under the mini for them to stand on. It’s not quite as epic looking but that’s the trade-off with having bases. Then again, if you were gonna make this into a diorama…well, you really could do some epic stuff!

The Asgardian Shrine is already out as well. So if you want to snag one for yourself you can do that today.

Battle For Asgard


Up next we have the Battle For Asgard terrain pack. Once again, I want to reiterate that I’m not sure if there was a packing error of the box label was off. I definitely got more things in the box than were listed — unless those both “nodes” count as one. And they were counting the braziers as two per sprue…whatever. Here’s what the group shot looked like once I got them built:

What I really liked about this kit is that it’s honestly pretty dummy proof for building. Most things only fit together in one specific way. You really can’t screw this one up.

Also, everything in this box would be considered as Interactable Terrain. You know that’s the case because it’s got a big ole number on the bottom. Perfect for when you’re throwing or smashing terrain into the enemy!

I also didn’t glue down the top of the nodes because I wanted to paint the insides. They have that curved surface that you could do some fun stuff with. If you’re one of those crazy LED folks, I’m positive you could wire these up and have real glows coming out. I, however, am not that cool. I’ll play around with some OSL effects on these later.


The Fire Signal towers are neat. Again, I like the detailing on all of these pieces. They all share that visual theme and it’s a nice touch. This box also makes for great “scatter terrain” for pretty much any MCP board. And yes, it’s Asgardian themed. “How would those end up on my Urban Board?!” I’ll tell you how: Because Comics! Get creative with it — that’s part of the fun!

The Battle For Asgard Terrain Pack is also out now. If I had to choose just one I’d probably go with the Battle For Asgard pack simply because it adds a TON of terrain you can add on your board for cool things like throws. On the other hand, if you already have a ton of cars and street lamps, well, the Shrine might be a better choice. How/Why did it end up in the middle of the city? I blame Loki. Also, say it with me: Because Comics!


Both these kits were a lot of fun to build. Time to get some games in with them!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol Battle For Asgard Unboxing - Ruins For All