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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Five MORE Affiliations That Need To Exist In Game

4 Minute Read
Aug 2 2024

Marvel has a lot of teams running around. Here are Affiliations we hope make the jump from comics to the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

I’ve touched on this subject before. There are some very obvious teams that haven’t yet arrived in MCP. Today, I want to look a few more teams that could make the jump, too. Some would be easier fits than others as they may have existing characters. While others might need quite a few new miniatures. The good news is that means MCP isn’t running out of things to make anytime soon! So let’s get into it!

West Coast Avengers


Sometimes called Avengers West Coast this team is basically exactly what it says on the tin. It’s the like Avengers…but based on the West Coast. They’ve obviously had some cross over with characters from the Avengers. That means populating the Affiliation with existing characters should be that hard. But they’ve also got some fresh blood in the mix, too. If nothing else this could open up the chance for some new Leadership abilities for other characters.


This one was a suggestion from the comments from last time and I agree! Excalibur would be a great Affiliation to add. This is another team that already has characters that are in the game but with just a few more could round out an Affiliation. Obviously Captain Britain would be a key component. But this team has also seen quite the array of characters, too. At one point even traditional “bad guys” like Juggernaut and Apocalypse were on the team. This could be a fun one to build out!


Okay, this team might be a little too powerful because it’s stacked with some heavy hitters. The Annihilators is a Marvel Cosmic team in that they mostly adventure in sapce. What’s cool is that Beta Ray Bill and Ronan are already in the game. Gladiator is on the way, too. If we ever get a Fantastic Four set then you know Silver Surfer would be waiting on deck. Quasar is also still unaccounted for — but c’mon. It’s only a matter of time! This would be a powerhouse affiliation and it’s confirmed we’ve got three of their members on the way already. Just throwing that out there.



This would be a weird one I admit. The Members of the Illuminati don’t really fight together so much as confer and plan things. That said, all we are missing is Reed Richards and the “team” is there. I’m actually not a huge fan of this group BUT if we did get them I know a guy that would be the perfect foil to them. Additionally, they’ve had a few other members rotate in and out as well. So there’s some wiggle room for characters in this Affiliation.

Hellfire Club

Okay…technically this Affiliation is already in the game. But it consists of JUST Emma Frost. No, seriously:


And she’s not even a leader. So can you actually run this Affiliation? I mean…sure, I guess. But let’s be real: The Hellfire Club needs some love — at least on the tabletop.

It actually has quite the roster so there’s loads of ways to expand it. I think for starters we need a Sebastian Shaw. From there, I’d want to add a Madelyne Pryor. But there’s also a TON of offshoots and Hellfire Club “franchises” that have popped up. Shoot, even Magneto and Storm have been members at different points. What I’m saying is there’s some room to work with for the Hellfire Club.


What other Affiliations would you like to see added to Marvel: Crisis Protocol?

Author: Adam Harrison
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