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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Five Spider-Foes We Need On The Tabletop

3 Minute Read
Aug 14 2024

When it comes to Spider-Foes here’s a few we are hoping make the jump from panel to play in Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

Spider-Man has arguably one of the best Rogues Galleries in all of Marvel — perhaps even in all of comics. We’ve already seen a ton of his nefarious ne’er-do-wells hit the tabletop. But there’s still more available. So where are these characters at? In the works I hope! Here’s the list of Spider-Foes we hope show up in MCP one day!


Mac Gargan is kind of a tragic villain. I’ve mentioned him in lists before but I think he’s my #1 pick for Spider-Foes I’d like to see added. Why? Because of his origin. He was a small time but violent criminal that got the “juice” because of some string pulling by J. Jonah Jameson. The Scorpion was chosen/created specifically because they fight spiders. There’s also been a few different incarnations of him over the years and I think MCP could really do him justice in miniature form.


The Hobgoblin has had quite the history in the comics. He might have started off as a bit of a knock-off of Green Goblin…but that was kind of the point. The mantle of the Hobgoblin has been assumed by a few different characters over the years as well only adding to the mystery of who’s under that hood. Personally, I just think we need a full on Goblin-War with tons of “Goblins” on flyers duking it out…But for now, I’d like to see Hobgoblin land in MCP!


Prowler is another classic Spider-Foe-turned-Friend. It’s complicated. Because COMICS! Personally, I just want him in the game because I like the classic Green and Purple look. To me, this character harkens back to a time in comics where the bad guys were trying to be scary but just didn’t quite make it there. I’m not saying I’d like to run into Prowler in a dark alley by any means! I’m just saying that maybe the color scheme isn’t quite as …intimidating as it once was.

There’s also been various versions of the character and some very different takes on Prowler. I’d be curious to see what AMG could do with this one for MCP!



Sometimes referred to as The Spot, Dr. Johnathan Ohnn is an interesting supervillain. He can make interdimensional portal that are basically black circles. And he can reach through them and…well, you probably saw Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Needless to say I think this character would actually be SUPER powerful in MCP. On the tabletop his ability to create these holes could be amazing for team mobility. But I’m getting head of myself. For now, I’m just tossing Spot out there as a character that I’d really like to have in my roster for MCP!


Oh man…Look, that terrible movie aside, Morbius is…

I can’t do this one. I just want him on the tabletop so I can say “It’s Morbin’ Time!” Thanks Sony. You’ve ruined this character for me forever.



Still, so many good Villains from Spider-Man. Who’d you like to see on the tabletop?

Author: Adam Harrison
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