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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – MORE Team Tactic Card Teasers For Character We Want

4 Minute Read
Aug 6 2024

The not-so hidden gems in the Team Tactics Cards continue from Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Here’s a few more we want to see get miniatures!

Once again we’re diving into the Team Tactic Cards to find teasers for characters we’d love to see added to the tabletop. This batch of characters aren’t even that deep of a cut, either! Personally, I just get a kick out of looking at the art on these cards and spotting the different characters that the art team at Atomic Mass Games used. I also remember from the Ministravaganza live stream that the mentioned they got approval for hundreds of these images. Fingers crossed that means we could see them get minis one day, too! Anyhow, lets get into it!


If you look at the bottom left corner you can see Alex Summers, aka Havok hanging out. What’s cool about this character is he’s had a couple of different looks throughout the years. And clearly he’s hanging out with some X-Men in this picture. I’m hoping that means we’ll see an X-Factor team one of these days, too.


This is another character hiding in plan sight. Marrow is on the left side hanging out behind (I think) Shadowcat. If you’re not super familiar with Marrow her power is that she can grow bones out of her skin and then use them as weapons or even body armor. She’s appeared in a few different comics over the years and even popped-up in some X-Men animated shows. She’s been a part of the X-Men,  X-Force, and even Weapon X at one point. So yeah, she’s been around the block in the comics and having her join the tabletop would be cool!

Rescue & Giant-Man

That’s right folks, we’ve got a twofer! This card has both Rescue AND Giant-Man on it. I’ll start with Rescue as she might be a little less familiar with folks. She is none other than Pepper Potts rocking her very own suit of custom Iron Man armor. She did make a brief appearance in the MCU as well. Anyhow, her suit has a bunch of similar Stark Tech in it as an Iron Man suit so you can probably guess how that would work on the tabletop. However, as you might of guessed from the name, she’s also a bit more focused on the “healing” side of things. It would be great to have another character that could play that role in MCP.

As for Giant-Man, well, you probably know this one. There’s been a few different ones over the years. Obviously this size-changing hero could either be Hank Pym or Scott Lang. But there’s also been other versions over the years and other “super-sized” heroes like Goliath as well. Based on the costume, I’m guessing this is the traditional Giant-Man however. Anyhow, I think a Giant-Man model would be super fun. I’m guessing he’s probably be Sentinel Size as a miniature. And would definitely be at least a size 5 character in game!


Steel Serpent

I’ve actually called out Davos before. But I don’t feel too bad about including him here because I think he’s a really fun character. If you can’t tell the Steel Serpent is actually an Iron Fist villain/rival. He might be kung-fu fighting Shang Chi in this art but his real target is Danny Rand. In any case he’s more than just an “evil version of Iron Fist” and could be a good addition to the MCP line-up. But yes, I do want him in the game so I can have a full on magical martial arts throwdown. We might not get Shang Chi, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Elektra, Echo, Colleen Wing, Silver Samurai and Steel Serpent on the screen together any time soon. But I can hope we get them on the tabletop!


I’ve got yet another batch of these cooking. Want to take a stab at a few more hidden characters that should be added to Marvel: Crisis Protocol?


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol - MORE Characters From Team Tactic Cards That Have Been Teased