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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Rejuvenation Chamber’ Allows For Character Swapping Shenanigans

3 Minute Read
Aug 12 2024

Atomic Mass Games is getting wild with these One-Shot rules. The Rejuvenation Chamber allows for character swaps mid-game!

I’ve been excited to see the One-Shot rules introduced to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. These optional rules really do add some unique and interesting ways to change the game up without too much trouble. But I don’t think any of them have been this crazy-powerful before. The new Rejuvenation Chamber One-Shot card sounds a little bit insane.

via Atomic Mass Games (Facebook)

For the cost of -1 Threat to the game you’ll get to add the Rejuvenation Chamber Terrain kit to the board. Furthermore, it’s going to have the Transformation special rule.

At the Start of an allied character’s Activation, if that character is Injured and is overlapping the Rejuvenation Chamber, it may be KO’d. If a character is KO’d in this way, Place an unused character from your roster with a Threat Value equal or lower than the Threat Value of the KO’d character into play overlapping the Rejuvenation Chamber. The unused character gains 3 energy and an Activated token and is now part of your Squad.

That’s really good. It does take a little planning to get the most out of this one but being able to swap out one character for another after they’ve been injured is good. Also note the “new” character isn’t Injured. They just come in with 3 energy and an Activation token!

On top of already being a very impressive kit visually, this One-Shot card sounds like a lot of fun to play around with. If you’re looking to change things up and open a lot of tactical options check this one out.

Rejuvenation Chamber – Pay The Ultimate Price

There is one thing I’d like to chat about for this kit in particular and that’s the price point. The Rejuvenation Chamber is $124.99. That makes this kit one of the most expensive kits for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. There’s no reason to deny that point and I’m not here to defend the pricing structure. What I do want to do is inform people of what you’re actually getting in this box.


This box IS an Ultimate Encounter set, too. Previous Ultimate Encounter Sets were included in the boxes for Dormammu and  Thanos. There have also been other Ultimate Encounters that were special runs direct from AMG. So you’re getting a ton of extras in this box with all the tokens, cards, and trackers. On top of that this is a rather large terrain kit. While the photo is cool, it might be hard to tell the scale.

Here is a video of Dallas Kemp from AMG painting this kit and some of the other terrain up. Hopefully that showcases just how large this one is.

Now, you’ll have to answer the question if that’s worth the price of entry for you. Personally, I’d really like to see the Ultimate Encounter rules a bit — or at least see a bit of the gameplay in action. During the Ministravaganza AMG did talk about how crazy this Ultimate Encounter would be and I’m here for that. To me, the Ultimate Encounters really play like a Raid Boss fight in an MMO or something akin to that feeling. These encounters aren’t “standard” games and personally I love playing them.


Additionally, the Ultimate Encounter is suppose to work even better with the other Apocalypse Terrain-set kits. I think having a big set of themed terrain is really cool. And the fact that this is all centered around Apocalypse is just icing on the cake.

The Rejuvenation Chamber set might not be for every player of MCP. But for those of us that look forward to these sorts of wild games this is going to be worth the price of admission!

Author: Adam Harrison
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