Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Rejuvenation Chamber’ Terrain And Ultimate Encounter Pack

Marvel: Crisis Protocol has a brand new Terrain and Ultimate Encounter Pack with the Apocalypse themed Rejuvenation Chamber. It’s BIG!
We’ve got a LOT to show-off today with the brand new Rejuvenation Chamber Terrain and Ultimate Encounter Pack. I’m extremely excited about this one from Atomic Mass Games. They sent us a review copy and I was lucky enough to get to unbox it and built this one. This one is for anyone picking up Apocalypse as this is HIS Ultimate Encounter Pack, too. But enough chit-chat. Let’s get into it!
Rejuvenation Chamber Terrain and Ultimate Encounter Unboxed
Kicking things off we’ve got a bunch of sprues — two large bags worth! More on the bits below. But the terrain kit is just part of the equation here.
There’s also a ton of extras you’ll need for the Ultimate Encounter. This box also covers multiple languages as you’ve got a lot of extras if you need them (and can read another language). Honestly, for the dashboards, those can be used regardless of the language…they are pretty self-explanatory. Anyhow, on to the sprues!
Here’s the first batch and as you can see it’s an impressive kit. The footprint alone makes this a rather dominate terrain kit. And that’s before we start building it. Also note the base and the insert. That’s where Apocalypse fits!
The other set of the sprues if to build the chamber and to add some height to the terrain set. The plastic is good, hard plastic and holds detail really well. Assembly was super easy because of how AMG makes their kits. There’s really only one way to assemble these which was handy for me. I basically built it without any instructions. We’ll see how it turned out below! But first…Ultimate Encounter stuff!
Not only can this terrain be used for a One-Shot which we’ve covered already, but you can also use it for the Ultimate Encounter. And, to be perfectly honest, if you’re going to spend the money on this kit, you’re going to want to run this scenario. The cards are different than the horsemen cards from the Apocalypse set. They are similar but have different rules because this is the Ultimate Encounter.
Obviously there’s also a lot more rules included for the Ultimate Encounter. That’s really the fun part about it as this amps up the difficulty. Luckily, there’s handy tip cards to use while you’re playing regardless of the side you’re on.
If you’ve never played an Ultimate Encounter I highly recommend trying them out. It’s a great change of pace from your standard MCP games and they allow for some really wonky scenarios. This one in particular is impressive. I probably wouldn’t start with this one however. It’s one of the more complicated ones. The good news is there’s a bunch of free digital ones from AMG to try. Maybe give one of those a run first…and then bust out the Apocalypse one.
Speaking of…depending on how things go during the scenario, you could end up with some very different versions of Apocalypse. The first evolution honestly isn’t much scarier than his base version. The forth evolution will probably dominate just about any team. Plus, if the Apocalypse player get to his fourth stage I have a feeling something was going their way already…
Rejuvenation Chamber Terrain Up Close
As mentioned above I did assemble this one. It’s quite an impressive build once complete — Apocalypse would be pleased.
The whole kit is dripping with details to pick out. The stone work and etchings are fantastic. And then there’s the actual chamber itself.
It’s a BIG footprint overall. I didn’t actually glue everything down either. That’s so I can get in there and paint the details. I really think I need to spend some time on this kit to do it justice.
This is what I’m talking about when I say these kits can only be assembled one way. I mean, sure, you could do a lot of extra hobby work to customize it. But those slots are specific to the bits so you can put it together with just some basic hobby knowledge and dry fitting — before you use glue.
You would not be able to paint the backside of this sarcophagus if you glued everything in place. But again it can pop in and out thanks to the how the kit was designed.
Speaking of popping in and out, Apocalypse fits quite nicely in that spot I mentioned earlier. Just don’t glue down the base and you’re set!
It’s not only thematic but it’s also intimidating, too! I am looking forward to running this scenario and attempting to take him on. I think it’s going to be quite the challenge.
The Rejunveation Chamber kit is coming to stores on September 27, 2024. It’s currently up for pre-order from Asmodee.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Rejuvenation Chamber Ultimate Encounter $124.99
Focal points of Apocalypse’s power, rejuvenation chambers are impressive pieces of Celestial technology that can not only heal those who step into their techno-sarcophagi but literally manipulate and alter the mutant X-gene. Those who find themeselves fortunate, or unfortunate, enough to be placed in on see their powers radically altered and enhanced, but so too are their personalities. Their minds bent to share Apocalypse’s beliefs that all weakness must be expunged from the world and only the strongest should survive.
Set the stage for your battles amid the dark future with the imposing Rejuvenation Chamber terrain piece. For those truly brave, or foolish, this pack also contains a brand new Ultimate Encounter: Survival of the Fittest. In this Ultimate Encounter one player takes on the role of the Cosmic Threat of Apocalypse and his Horsemen as they seek to complete their plan to purge all weakness from the world and rule over only the strong that remain. Only the Crisis Teams, controlled by the other players, have any chance of destroying Apocalypse’s chamber and thwarting his plans before time runs out and Apocalypse reigns supreme!
You’re gonna need some back-up to take on Apocalypse with this Ultimate Encounter…