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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – ‘Weapon X & Maverick’ Rules Preview

4 Minute Read
Aug 22 2024

Before Wolverine was a hero he was a tool of the Weapon X Program. Let’s see what he and Maverick can do on the tabletop!

We already got some spoilers for these two characters coming to Marvel: Crisis Protocol during the Ministravaganza. But today we’re taking a deep dive into both of these characters. Wolverine has been a fan favorite for a very long time. Now we’re getting a blast from the past with his Weapon X form. And to follow that up, we’re also getting his teammate Maverick who actually has potent utility for many builds on his own. Let’s get into it!

Weapon X

Starting with the basics, Weapon X has 5/5 stamina and a defensive base of 3/2/3 on both sides. He’s size 2 (but counts as size 3 due to his Adamantium Skeleton). He moves medium as well. Weapon X is also “only” a Threat 3 character and that’s really important because he’s quite the murderball at that cost.

You can see the attack profiles above so I won’t regurgitate them at you. It’s worth mentioning his builder does allow for him to get a second follow-up attack with Uncontrollable Weapon again. If you get two wilds that’s a pretty scary 7 dice coming at the same target. With Charge in his toolkit Weapon X is going to be very aggressive and deadly.

Just don’t count on him to hold any objectives for you. That’s really not what he’s on the tabletop for. On his injured side he swaps out Savagery Protocols for Aimless Aggression and Berserker Wrath. So be sure to remember that. The one last thing I’d like to call out for him is his Healing Factor [3] which I believe is currently the highest in the game.

If you don’t daze/KO him before he activates Weapon X is going to regain 3 stamina. My suggestion for taking him out is to focus him down quick. Otherwise, he’s going to cause a LOT of problems for anyone unfortunate enough to get in his way. On the flips side, if you’re running him He’s arguably one of the scariest Threat 3 characters in the game. I’d certainly use that to your advantage and have him bully other characters around!



This one is a bit of a deeper cut than Wolverine so let me take a second to dip into his lore from AMG:

“Christoph Nord, or Maverick, is a member of the Weapon X program and a skilled mercenary. As such, he has access to weapons and experiences that make him a dangerous opponent to anyone looking to stop his objectives.”

Maverick was a member of Team X alongside Logan and Sabertooth. He’s been enhanced by the government program and has popped-up in and around Marvel Comics for some time. He’s also been known as Agent Zero as well. With that brief introduction, let’s check out his toolkit!

Maverick is another Threat 3 character with a a stamina of 5/5 and a defensive stat line of 3/3/3 on both sides. He’s size 2 and has a move of medium. Honestly, stat-wise he’s pretty much “the bar.” What makes him stand out to me are his Healing Factor [1] and perhaps most importantly his Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive super power. For 2 energy he can stop characters within range 3 from healing damage. This alone makes him worth considering for just about every roster out there. If you’re in a “Healing Factor” heavy meta or play with a lot of folks that bring ways to heal (looking at you Wong) then he’s a pretty hard counter to that.


Maverick also brings a very respectable set of attacks to the tabletop. He’s actually got 2 builders with his Plasma Blasters and Adamantium Knife. And his big spender is a range 3, 7 dice attack for 3 energy. Plus, you can Throw the target with a wild.

Additionally, I really like the combo of Hit and Run and Kinetic Energy Absorption. These both add some movement tricks although Hit and Run can be a little tricky to use when you’re starting out of range.

Also previewed were two of the Team Tactic cards these characters will have access to. Implanted Memories is a nice reactive hit option while Weapons Stash is a great way to boost an attack — if you plan for it that is. And don’t forget about the Cover it provides. That really can help!

The Weapon X & Maverick box is slated for a September 13, 2024 release date. But you can pre-order it now from Asmodee.


I’m looking forward to rounding out a Weapon X team with both of these characters!

Author: Adam Harrison
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