Necromunda: ‘Plunderers of the Underhells’ Explores The Gangs of Hive Secundus

Games Workshop has a new video showcasing the gangs coming in Hive Secundus. Who’s brave enough to enter the ruins of the Underhells?
It’s a little odd that Games Workshop is still showcasing new videos for Hive Secundus as it’s out and about in the world. But I can understand why — this newly explored part Necromunda setting is amazing. Or perhaps it’s because all these gangs are going up for pre-order this weekend. In any case this video serves as a bit of an introduction to the various gangs you’ll find exploring the Underhells and also the ones that have been there the entire time…
The Gangs of Hive Secundus
Van Saar Tek-Hunters
The members of House Van Saar are already known for their technologically inclined ways. They have more advanced body suits and some of the best wargear around. Much of that is used to combat a crippling radiation problem…but I digress. House Van Saar is sending some Tek-Hunters to the Underhells. These specialists are better suited for the challenges that face them. They are a good crew to have around when it comes to exploring and salvage recovery. But they don’t exactly “bring the beef” and that’s where the next batch comes in…
Spyrer Hunters
Included in the big box is a pair of these Orrus-suit wearing Spyrer Hunters. They are a perfect companion piece to the Van Saar and in fact can be used as part of a Secundan Incursion Gang — as can the rest of the Spyrers. However, there’s also the other option…
Sometimes the nobles of House Helmawr will set aside their other noble ambitions and just team-up with other members to go hunting. These hunting packs are down right terrifying. At least to regular gangs. In the Underhells, they are still deadly but they might not be the apex predators. They are there to prove their mettle after all and they have to do that by hunting the next group.
Malstrain Genestealer Abomination Gang
The Malstrain Genestealers, as we’ve covered before, are an offshoot of the Tyranid menace. They are genetically modified and were supposed to lead to a way to combat the Tyranids. Ironically, that did work — just not how the original mastermind behind the scheme wanted it to. However you slice it the Malstrain are still around in the Underhells. If a Spyrer can snag a few of these for their trophy rack then they will have proven themselves. They might not be as deadly as a Purestrain Genestealer but don’t let that fool you. They can tear apart the biggest Goliath in seconds. And they have help, too.
Brood Scum
Of all the gangs, these aren’t going up for pre-order this weekend. However they are still available in the Hive Secundus Boxed set and were featured in the video. These are the poor souls (or the decedents of the poor souls) who never got out of Hive Secundus. The Malstrain might not be Purestrain Genestealers but their infestation has taken root like one. These are the genetic off-shoots of that. Don’t underestimate the Brood Scum — they may not be the toughest out there but they come with numbers. Additionally, they typically don’t stray too far away from their “cousins” lurking for the kill…
Rules for these Gangs and more can also be found in the Book of Desolation coming to Pre-order this weekend. This opens up a really big chapter in the story of Necromunda and I’m curious to see where GW goes from here.
Nuke it from Orbit? Yeah…they tried that.