Necromunda: Spyrers Are Going To Terrorize The Hive

The Spyrers are coming to Necromunda. Get ready for you gangs to be their next hunting target. The terror level is rising.
Ahh Spyrers. They’ve been a long time coming (back) to Necromunda. This Saturday their rules will be available for Pre-order in The Book of Desolation. That means their arrival on the tabletop is imminent. But what does that mean for the rest of the gangs in the Hive? It means they better be ready for the fight of their lives.
Today, we’re getting a look at some of the Spyrer Gang’s rules for campaign play. If you’re looking for rules previews about their stats — this ain’t it. But I can tell you this much: a single Spyrer is more than enough for a handful of gangers to have to deal with. That’s not just PTSD from having to fight them back in the day, either. They are tough, fast, and deadly — exactly what you’d expect for a bunch of loons running around hunting things like Malstrain Genestealers.
While the Spyrer’s might be geared for a Hive Secundus Campaign, this is still Necromunda. And I know folks are going to bring them back to Hive Primus. So with that said, let’s take a quick look at some of their campaign rules.
Enter The Spyrers
“Usually they hunt alone, racking up a kill count that will carry them through to a leadership position, but certain circumstances – such as the discovery of a cache of archaeotech – may give rise to unusually target-rich hunting grounds. It is then that Spyrers often team up, forming a hunting party and setting up a camp – much to the misfortune of anyone caught in their augmentic sights.
Where other gangs are rich in warm bodies, Spyrers trade numbers for advanced tech. Each of these exotic hunting rigs far outstrips anything the other houses can muster, but hunting parties generally only have three or four fighters, who can be easily divided and overwhelmed.”
I just want to say I think it’s cute that GW is already giving folks tactical tips on how to combat the Spyrers. “Divide and conqueror! Just single them out and overwhelm them!” Yeah…I’m sure the Spyrer players out there won’t catch on and will always fall for that tactic…
ANYHOW, we’re not here to talk about that. Let’s see those campaign rules!
Spyrer Suits Are Special
“As Spyrers hunt, the rigs record and verify all of their kills, slowly evolving as extra functions are unlocked, from improved Combat Neuroware, to Thickened Armour. Each makes the wearer an even more efficient killing machine. “
Yep, you’re reading that correctly. The Spyrers don’t “level-up” like regular gangs. Instead as they take out targets their suits unlock new boosts. Their Cost Increase in credits is really just there to help you track the power level/Gang Rating. They also don’t recruit like a normal gang…but more on that below.
While their suits can get Power Boosts they can also malfunction. This occurs when they get taken out of action. So they can glitch out and even get to the point where the Spyrer has to retire due to their suit’s poor performance.
There is some good news for the Spyrer Gangs out there — these glitches can be removed over time. But if they ever get more glitches than the Spyrer’s Toughness value, the rig is done and the ganger is done.
Spyrers And Terror
Spyrer Gangs don’t use the same type of currency as the plebs. Credits mean nothing to them! No, it’s all about reputation and that comes in the form of TERROR.
Through various actions in the games the Spyrers will increase their Terror Level. Most of the time, these actions are just taking out targets and doing damage. But what will they spend this Terror on? Boons of course!
“Rather than recruiting gang members in the regular style, the Spyrers add new hunters by increasing their presence through acts of violence. As their notoriety grows, so too does the Terror Level rise, and the other Spyrers seek to get in on the action.”
This is how the Spyrers grow their gangs. Personally, I’m curious about this system and would like to read more about these rules in particular. Do they spend the Terror when they claim these boons? Do they just happen? Or do you just accumulate these Boons and get them as soon as you hit the pre-requisite? Does the Terror Level reset?
We’ll have to wait and find out. But for now your gangers will need to prepare. When the Spyrers go a-hunting, you become the prey.
If a Spyrer gang shows up in your neck of the woods you better have a plan!