Pathfinder 2E ‘Guns & Gears Remastered’ Is Happening – Paizo Reveals New Book

A much-hoped-for addition to the Pathfinder Remaster project will update and refine two tech-focused classes coming in 2025.
Gunslingers and Inventors rejoice! It looks like your hopes and dreams are in fact, actually happening! Paizo has officially unveiled the new Guns & Gears remastered, coming in 2025. This new book, much like the Player Core books, will take a look at updating more of the Pathfinder 2E game to the modern, “remastered” version.
Only this time, specifically, it’s for two classes. Guns & Gears will refine and update the Inventor and Gunslinger classes. But there’s more than just those two classes lurking in the pages of the 2025 release.
Pathfinder Tinkers with Guns & Gears

Pathfinder: Guns & Gears is the latest book revealed in the Pathfinder Remaster project. If you’re still unaware by this point, this is the move that de-OGLifies Pathfinder and brings everything under one roof at Paizo. Starfinder 2E’s mechanics are going to play with Pathfinder 2E rules. Feats and keywords and all have been revamped. If you’ve played with the new Player Core or Player Core 2 rules, you know what I’m talking about.

And for those of you who are OG Gunslinger fans, and there are plenty out there if Percy from Critical Role Campaign 1 was any indicator, you’ll finally get a good update. Gunslingers have been needing a little more love in the Remaster. Guns & Gears is looking to address that.
Inventors, too, have taken a bit of a backseat to the Alchemist. Inventors are Pathfinder’s answer to Artificers from D&D. They tinker; they create magical gadgets, you know, the drill. But both of these classes, along with a remastered Automaton Ancestry feature in the new book. Alongside them are new rules for gadgets and firearms, as well as vehicles and siege engines, and, of course, plenty of new archetypes to play around with.
The book isn’t even out for pre-order but look for that soon. Guns & Gears is slated for a February 2025 release.