Pathfinder’s ‘War of the Immortals’ Cosmos-Shaking Meta Event is Up for Pre-Order Now

Golarion is about to be shaken to its core. Again. Thanks to Pathfinder’s upcoming War of the Immortals, up for pre-order now. But what’s inside?
The War of the Immortals is the next big swing for Pathfinder 2E. With the god of war poised to die, and immortal beings sort of swept up in a massive planet-spanning event that’s reminiscent of those big metanarrative plots you might remember from the late nineties and early aughts, if you were playing RPGs back then. We’re talking big plots that were at the core of things like Deadlands or the World of Darkness.
Although, this seems to be just one more chapter in the long saga of Pathfinder’s history. It’s not “one guy trying to do a thing” and then the story is always about that. Which I really like. This is more like a Saga or an Era to live in. Like the Age of Lost Omens. I think that’s a clever way to avoid the pitfalls of those big metaplots (which you’ll note, we don’t really see anymore, and for a reason).
With War of the Immortals, big things are in store for Golarion. And big things are in store for Pathfinder players, too. This new book has a lot to offer, and it’s up for pre-order, so let’s check it out.
Pathfinder 2E: War of the Immortals – Pre-order Now
This book is designed to shake things up. If you want something for playing with power, and playing with high-level power, no less, you’ll want to check out this book. There are rules for running mythic games and legendary characters.
A god has been slain and nothing shall ever be the same again! As war and destruction spread across the world, new heroes must rise to the occasion and take arms to protect its mortal inhabitants. Two brand new classes provide new ways to engage with mythic themes—lay claim to your own spark of divinity and charge into battle as a mighty exemplar, or call upon the power of spiritual allies as a wise animist. Alongside these new classes are rules for running mythic games, archetypes for playing legendary characters, and a wide array of new items, spells, and monsters to tell stories straight out of myth and legend—but which fit perfectly into the remastered Pathfinder rules! Claim the power of the gods and battle the Universe’s most fearsome foes with War of Immortals!
This book will help you step beyond the core rules, as they say. If you loved that endgame feeling of something like Wrath of the Righteous, you’ll find it here. The Mythic Destinies, in particular, look pretty exciting. Here’s a taste of what to expect in this mythic book:
- Two new classes, the spiritual animist and the deific exemplar
- New feats and lineages for nephilim characters
- 5 new class archetypes including the avenger rogue archetype and the bloodrager barbarian archetype
- Rules for mythic play
- 9 mythic destinies, including the fearsome apocalypse rider and the undying eternal legend
- New weapons, items, and spells for mythic characters
- 8 terrifying new mythic monsters and rules for creating mythic threats of your own!
Just so you know BoLS may collect a share of sales from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them.