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Pass the Mead With These D&D Cups & Glasses

3 Minute Read
Aug 11 2024

No matter what drink you bring to the table, we all bring get a little parched playing D&D. So when you need a drink, drink with style.

When we’re not the ones hosting sessions, my husband and I always show up to D&D with a coffee each and a six pack to share with the rest of our party. When we meet in person, I always made sure all sorts of drinks and snacks are plentiful for my nerdy gatherings. But for most sessions our friends and family are all over the country and game nights are mostly online… So we have our night-time-D&D-coffee delivered. Gaming means a lot of talking which makes people thirsty. And when that happens the libations tend to get shared. But what will you be sipping from at the D&D table?

1. D20 Glass

This is technically a whiskey glass, but you definitely don’t need to be drinking whiskey to have a set of these. In fact, most of my whiskey glasses have seen nothing but water and juice in years and years. Still, a nice set of simple, classy glassware is always good to have. And this one happens to have a permanent natural twenty on it!

2. Stainless Dragon Mug

If you want to feel like a real adventurer at the table, this mug will definitely remind you of your campaign’s crowded tavern. The tankard-style coffee mug is decorated with dragons and swords to clue everyone on in your exploits and adventures. And the stainless steel and resin cup will keep your drinks cool. Or warm… Depends on what you’re drinking, I guess.

3. A Different Kind of Dragon Mug

Maybe you’re not looking to fight dragons but hatch and raise them. It’s your game and you can go full ‘Mother of Dragons’ if you want to. If that’s the case, this mug might be for you. A tiny copper dragon is hatching from a mug that’s shaped like a scaly dragon’s egg. So hopefully your drink is the right incubation temperature for dragons.

4. The Mug of Perception

I love a silly little meta joke. Does the Mug of Perception grant you increased productivity and awareness because it’s full of coffee? Or does it have special magical properties? You’ll just have to spend the 50,000 gold pieces (or $20) to find out for yourself!

5. Dice Tower Mug

I love a multitasker and when things are just a little silly and goofy. So naturally, this mug is a slam dunk in my book. This tavern style mug won’t hold drinks all on its own. But it works very well as a can holder, so your game-time “soda” won’t make your hand all wet and clammy. Of course, that’s not even the best part. The side of the mug doubles as a dice tower, so as long as you have your drink handy, you’ll never not have a place to roll your dice.

Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy many, many drinks for all of these empty cups.

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