Space Marine 2: Extended Multiplayer Trailer – Bring Your Friends To The Fight

All aboard the hype-train for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. The Multiplayer looks like a blast in the upcoming video game!
So after yesterday’s quick round-up of positive reviews for the game I was already excited. The buzz is positive for this one. And more and more previews/reviews were coming in supporting that, too. I think that’s a pretty good sign. So how are the marketing gurus going to capitalize on that hype generation? By putting out an extended trailer showcasing epic Multiplayer action!
If you’re wanting to go into this game completely blind, I don’t blame you. That’s why I think it’s only fair to warn you that this does delve in some spoilers for the PvE Operations Mode. That mode is one of the multiplayer modes in the game and it kind of works like a post-campaign thing where you have a reason to continue playing after you’ve “beat” the game.
If you want to skip that (and possible spoilers) you can skip ahead to the 4:33 mark and watch some PvP action.
“Multiplayer is a major part of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. There’s a full co-op narrative campaign for up to three players, additional three-player co-op missions called Operations, and a bunch of 12-player versus modes. So far, however, we’ve not seen much in the way of the gameplay – but that’s about to change, with a fresh trailer covering Operations Mode and Eternal War.”
Classes, Chapters, and Customization – Oh My!
The multiplayer experience of Space Marine 2 really revolves around the various classes you can play as. There are six to play as in the game: Tactical, Assault, Vanguard, Bulwark, Sniper, and Heavy. You probably recognize some of those names from either the previous game or the tabletop. Each one brings something to the table and has a role to play. Finding the right mix — or finding one that fits your playstyle best — is the key to victory!
In the example picture above we have a Dark Angel “Bulwark” fighting against a Carnifex. I’m not sure why they didn’t go with “Bladeguard Veteran” instead for the class name, but whatever. Minor thing. Anyhow you can see his squad mate’s health bars on the left, too.
And yes, that’s a Dark Angel. He’s partnered up with a Space Wolf and Black Templar as well. You’ll get to unlock chapter pre-sets as part of the customization process. What’s even cooler is that you’ll also be able to create you own custom Chapters by then combining individual cosmetics. That’s a winner in my book!
It gets even crazier once you start playing PvP…
The Eternal War
The PvP modes in this game still offer the same classes to play as but from the other side of coin. Yep, you’ll once again be able to play as a Chaos Space Marine! I’m really looking forward to customizing my Chaos Space Marine for this mode. I might be more excited about that vs actually playing PvP to be honest. But I played a LOT of PvP in Space Marine 1 and it was a good time. I can’t wait to see how this one compares.
“The game will be released on the 9th of September, and you can look forward to new Operations missions, PvP maps, new enemies, and new weapons coming via free updates. It will be playable as soon as the 5th of September for those who pre-order the Gold or Ultra Editions.”
Space Marine Season Pass?
At the end of the WarCom article they did drop this line as well:
“On top of that, those who purchase the Season Pass will be granted additional cosmetics and Chapter heraldry through themed DLC which celebrates well-loved factions from Warhammer 40,000.”
So yes, this game will include the option to purchase a Season Pass. If this one works like pretty much every other one we’ve seen in the Video Games Industry, then it will allow you to unlock those additional cosmetics and Chapter heraldry as you progress through the pass. I would like to see a bit more info on that front before I pick one up though.
While I’m not thrilled about the Season Pass model I do understand how those work and how they benefit the developers. This isn’t a one-and-done single player campaign game. There’s a huge portion of multiplayer content to Space Marine 2 post-campaign. From the sound of things there will also be continuing development for the game. That’s what those Season Passes help to fund.
What About Pre-Orders?
As excited as I am for this one, I’m still on the fence about Pre-ordering games. It’s less about this particular game and more about the principle of pre-ordering games in general. However, Space Marine 2 is making it very tempting to break my own self-imposed limitation on that front. It wouldn’t be that bad of an idea, right? I mean I AM going to play it…
There is a big price jump from the base game to the Gold/Ultra Editions. That pricing structure has to be intentional. I’m less interested in the Ultramarine skins and more curious about the Season Pass price-point. And while getting to play the game 4 days early is nice in the grand scheme of things, I’m not really going to notice the head start a month after release. But hey, you do you!
Still on the Hype-Train for this one! I can’t wait to get my hands on Space Marine 2!