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Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano is No Jedi (But She’s a Lot of Other Cool Things)

5 Minute Read
Aug 8 2024

From Padawan to General to spy, Ahsoka Tano is a Star Wars fan-favorite for a reason. Here’s everything we know about the former Jedi.

The appearance of Ahsoka Tano in a live-action Star Wars universe was one of the highlights of The Mandalorian‘s season 2 and gave us a preview to her self-titled live-action series. But if you missed the animated Star Wars series’ that she’s from, you may not know exactly how awesome she is.

She’s Anakin Skywalker‘s former Padawan, a duel lightsaber wielder, and hero of the Rebellion. If there’s one character you should know, it’s Ahsoka Tano.

An image of Ahsoka Tano fighting with two white lightsabers

The Life of Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka was discovered on her homeworld Shili by Jedi Master Plo Kloon when she was just three years old and was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Eleven years later, she was assigned to Anakin Skywalker right as the Clone Wars were beginning. The start of her apprenticeship was difficult because of their clashing personalities.

She and Anakin, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, eventually developed a very close and almost sibling-like relationship. Ahsoka would go on to learn about the Force, self-confidence, and galactic war. All while crossing paths with some of the biggest names in the galaxy including bounty hunters such as Cad Bane and Aurra Sing to General Grievous and Asajj Ventress.

An image of Asajj Ventress from 'The Clone Wars' fighting with her two red lightsabers
via Lucasfilm

As a commander in the Grand Army of the Republic she led forces to victory at the Battle of Ryloth, the Second Battle of Geonosis and the Battle of Mon Cala. She led revolts, rescued a colony from enslavement, and helped liberate Onderon from enslavers.

As the Clone Wars continued, Ahsoka was framed for a bombing at the Jedi temple. The bombing resulted in the deaths of a number of Jedi, clones, and innocent bystanders.

So Ahsoka fled the temple to investigate the attack herself. Once she had cleared her name, she was offered the title of Jedi Knight, but she refused. Her faith in the Jedi was shaken, so she walked away from the Jedi Order to find a new path for herself.

An image of a young Ahsoka Tano standing in front of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi
via Lucasfilm

Life After the Jedi

The three friends would reunite in the last days of the war when Ahsoka agreed to do some freelance work with the Jedi generals. Unfortunately, this pit her against Darth Maul and a ship full of clones as Order 66 is executed. Ahsoka barely escaped with a freshly de-shipped Captain Rex.

Ahsoka was deeply involved with the Rebellion in the age of Star Wars: Rebels. Aside from spy work, Ahsoka battled inquisitors and reunited with old friends.


Sometimes those friends were actually friendly, like Captain Rex. But sometimes they aren’t. Because Ahsoka would have to fight Darth Vader, and once she realizes that the man behind the mask is her former Jedi Master, the encounter becomes truly heart-wrenching.

An image of an animated Ahsoka Tano in 'The Clone Wars' brandishing two white lightsabers
via Lucasfilm

Ahsoka in Live Action

For a long time, Ahsoka’s story was largely unknown to us after the end of the Galactic Civil War. But with her addition to the live-action shows, some of those stories gaps are being filled in.

We know that at some point after the end of Rebels, Ahsoka attempted to apprentice Sabine Wren in the force. We don’t know much about this time aside from Sabine’s very limited abilities in the force and the pair’s incompatibility as master and apprentice. They parted on tense terms, and later when asked to take Grogu on as her apprentice, Ahsoka refused.

Some time after that, learned about Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn‘s location as well as Thrawn’s plans to return. She and Sabine teamed up to find Ezra and try and stop Thrawn. Ultimately they had a mixed success of a mission where Ezra was returned home, but so was Thrawn and his army… And Sabine and Ahsoka were now stuck, galaxies away, on Peridea.

An image of Ahsoka Tano standing in front of the cast of 'Rebels', including the ghost of Anakin Skywalker.

Ahsoka in Other Mediums

We’ve seen a lot of Ahsoka in animation and a bunch in live action, but there are lots of other places to glimpse the not-Jedi if you know where to look. She’s been in a number of Star Wars comics, as well as her self-titled novel by E. K. Johnston.


If you play a lot of games, you’ll be able to see Ahsoka in Legion, Imperial Assault, Shatterpoint, and just about all of the big-games like Monopoly and card games. The now discontinued Fantasy Flight Games tabletop RPG, Force and Destiny had an adventure called The Spirit of Ahsoka Tano where players were brought just a little closer to the legendary character.

How Powerful is Ahsoka?

Very. I’m sure this is in party due to her being trained by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. She’s smart, but is also known for taking big risks and doing things that are unexpected. Ahsoka was able to defeat Maul and survive duels with Grievous when other Jedi could not. She also escaped Order 66, and battled Darth Vader. She may not be the strongest force wielder we’ve ever seen, but she is more talented, fierce, and accomplished than most.

Is Ahsoka a Jedi or a Sith?

She is a former Jedi who renounced and left the Jedi Order. At one point she proudly says of herself, “I am no Jedi.” But by the live-action years and appearances, she seems to be referred to and referring to herself as a Jedi again. This may be because of the sweeping changes in the re-built order compared to the one she knew, or it may be an oversight. But we’ve never seen Ahsoka as a Sith at all.

Her story is one of the most complex, and hardest to present in any highlights. If you want to know more about Ahsoka, check out The Clone Wars and Rebels series. I’d especially suggest the final season of The Clone Wars.

An image of Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano from the shoulders to the top of her forehead. She's holding a lightsaber in front of the side of her face and looking over her shoulder at it.
via Lucasfilm

Which is your favorite Ahsoka scene? What do you think is next for our favorite not-Jedi? Are you looking forward to her stand-alone show? Let us know in the comments!

May the Force be with you, adventurers!


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