Tensions Burst Between Planetary Miners and Conglomerate Overlords in ‘Undaunted 2200: Callisto’

It may be difficult to fathom, but Undaunted 2200: Callisto envisions a bizarro universe where mega corporations don’t value worker’s rights.
Undaunted 2200: Callisto is an upcoming competitive strategy game from Osprey Games, the makers of the Imperium series, Cryptid, and obviously, the Undaunted series. This latest entry has players battling it out on Jupiter’s moon of Callisto. These battles are between the mega conglomerate masters and the workers who keep the whole thing running.

Undaunted 2200: Callisto Overview
Undaunted 2200: Callisto is a competitive tactical wargame with deck building and area control mechanics. The game is scenario based, so each scenario will determine each teams victory condition. This could be attacking certain areas on the board, or destroying specific units. However, most often, control a specific number of check points, or eliminate a certain threshold of enemy units.
The game is played over a series of rounds until one player achieves their objective. During each players turn, they will draw cards from their hand and play cards in order to perform actions. The actions from the cards will often be used to cause their units on the board to perform actions, like move, or attack.
One of the main features of the game is about scouting and area control. One of the actions certain units can perform is Scout. As units scout, they place scout tokens on the board, this makes that area Scouted. Other non-scout units can only move into areas that have already been scouted.
However, scouting also adds Interference cards into the player’s deck. Interference cards are junk cards with basically no use and require a Recon action to remove. So scouting too far too fast will only cause too much interference between your team and ultimately make it harder to perform optimally.
Combat in Undaunted 2200: Callisto
As with any combat game, attacking is also pretty important overall. When a unit attacks, they read the defending unit’s defense stat, add any bonus from the region they’re in on the board, plus an addition for reach region away they are from the attacker. The attacker rolls a die and tries to get higher than the defense stat. If the attack is successful, the defending player removes one of that unit’s cards from their deck. Once a unit has no more cards left in the deck, they are eliminated.
There are many other important actions, but the final one we will cover in this overview is Bolster. This allows a player to take cards from their personal supply and add them to their discard pile, to be shuffled in later. As we’ve seen, this means more action options for that unit, but also more health. Any as any good deck builder player will tell you, a big deck isn’t always so good.
Undaunted 2200: Callisto does a fantastic job of balancing its various systems together. Using the deck as health for the units means you can have a very healthy army, but they will be difficult to command, as you won’t often draw the cards you want. On the other hand, a slim deck means you will be able to activate your preferred units more often, but they will be easier to eliminate in combat.
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