Why So Serious? The Silliest Characters Games Workshop Ever Named

Everyone knows the worlds of Warhammer are super grimdark and full of angst and gritty bitterness. After you read about these guys… maybe not so much.
If there is one thing the GW Design Studio is fantastic at it’s naming characters! Here are several of our dad-jokiest favorites to brighten your day. Just remember these the next time anyone tells you that GW universe is nothing but “very serious business”.
1) Sly Marbo (40k) – Um, I guess you should model him with a bow, blowing up Vostroyan “Hinds” and always losing the heroine in the process…
2) Ramhotep the Visionary (WFB) – Well it’s certainly visionary to swap out those 2 first letters. Certainly Ramhotep has nothing to do with this guy…
3) Vlad Von Carstein (WFB) – Noble head of state – rules a “dark bloodthirsty kingdom” – Inspiration for Dracula – maybe they’re talking about this dude.
4) Lion El’ Jonson (40k) – The first Legion primarch is back! He’s part Tarzan, and clearly, nothing AT ALL to do with the poet…
5) Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau (40k) – It’s best to just think of the name as a side effect of the 1980s.
6) TikTaq’To (WFB) – Master of the skies! Clearly, someone in the design studio lost a bet…
7) Malekith (WFB) – It’s easy to keep track of the oldschool Warhammer Fantasy and MARVEL kings of the Dark Elves because they are pretty much identical. Except that Marvel’s is much older..
8) Sergeant Lukas Bastonne / Sergeant Harker (40k) – Kinda hard to not think of the real life WW2 hero Sergeant Basilone.
9) Marco Columbo (WFB) – The Tilean explorer who crossed the ocean and discovered Lustria. Hmm…
10) Long Drong (WFB) – The “well above average” Dwarf Pirate of Sartosa. He is descended from Drong the Hard. I am in no way making any of this up – it is 100% canon.
11) Konrad Curze (40K) – Part Batman and part Heart of Darkness. This Dark Knight knows The Horror!
12) Corvus Corax (40K) – Don’t think it’s only the bad primarchs who get the silly *wink wink* naming treatment. How about a name that literally translates to “Raven Raven,” who leads the Raven Guard? It’s certainly efficient.
And last but certainly not least:
13) Ferrus Mannus (40K) – We’re on a roll with silly primarch names. How about a name that literally translates to “Iron Hands” who leads the … well, you know the rest.
~So, which one tops your list – or did we miss your favorite? Also any good punny names from Age of Sigmar that caught your attention?