The ‘Cosmere RPG’ Breaks Kickstarter Records, Raising More Than $4 Million In Its First Day

The Cosmere RPG is breaking records and all but guaranteeing that it will be the biggest tabletop RPG Kickstarter ever.
So it turns out the Stormlight RPG was actually the Cosmere RPG, and that surprise reveal has kickstarted (pun intended) an avalanche of fan support. More than 15,000 backers came together in the first 24 hours to raise well over $4 million.
That monumental sum broke all sorts of records, including the biggest launch day for a tabletop RPG. Previously, that honor belonged to Avatar Legends, whose opening day brought in a whopping $1,150,566. But now the Cosmere RPG has raised nearly four times that, with a monumental momentum that hasn’t slowed down.
At press time, the game was at $4.98 million, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is well past $5 million by the time you read this.

The Cosmere RPG Breaks Records, Promises Even More Games
A huge part of the Cosmere RPG’s success is the ambitious scaffolding the folks at Brotherwise Games have built for themselves. Once the Kickstarter finishes and Brotherwise assembles their Scrooge McDuck-style Money Bin to hold all the incoming pledges, four books will be coming in pretty hot. You’ll get the Stormlight World Guide, Stormlight Handbook, and Stormlight Stormwalkers, with a Mistborn RPG coming hot on their heels in 2026.

And that’s just the start. Brotherwise Games and Sanderson plan for this to be a “living RPG” that continues to exist and have support as long as stories about the Cosmere continue to be written.

With rules that adapt the magic systems from all of the books into a single cohesive RPG, you can expect to see a lot of d20-based fantasy blending with narrative-forward mechanics that help give you the feeling of being a magical rules lawyer, making your character fit right into any world in the Cosmere.