This Gamora Cosplay is Hitting All The Marks

This Gamora cosplayer brings the galaxy’s most deadly woman into the real world… and we really hope we’re not on her list.
Guardians of the Galaxy is a series that I think none of us foresaw hitting the big screen nearly as successfully as it did. I thought for sure that the talking tree aspect would keep it from seeing the main-stream MCU… ever. But those of us who thought that were very wrong, and I’m glad because we ended up with some very fun movies and some fantastic characters. Like Gamora
The deep space assassin has seen some ups and downs, as well as a few different timelines since her MCU introduction, but she remains one of best characters from one of the best of Marvel’s movie series.
Cospalyer Sara Moni is no stranger to Marvel characters with a huge collection of super and mutant cosplays, all of them amazing. Her Gamora especially is so well posed and shot with a confidence and fierceness that’s very in-character.
Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy with permission by Sara Moni.
“Whatever nightmares the future holds, are dreams compared to what’s behind me.”

“I go by many names, Earthian, but I’m sure the one that most know me by is Gamora, the deadliest woman in the whole galaxy.”

“I have spent most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I will be grateful to die among my friends.”

~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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