Warhammer 40K- Badass CSM Equipment That Needs a Comeback

Goatboy here with some timeless classic wargear I miss from the old editions of Chaos Space Marine codexes. These are the pieces of badass CSM equipment, upgrades, and Daemon Weapons that need to return.
These missing pieces of CSM equipment range from old 3rd Edition wargear, to a few things from the last 40K update. Let’s take a hop down memory lane and reminisce about the good ole Chaos Space Marine days of yesteryear.
5. Spiky Bits – Upgrade for any CSM Character
This was such a simple upgrade that gave your character an extra attack on their profile. I remember it being 5 points and a must-have for any of your Chaos Lords or Aspiring Champions. It was always the reason my conversions had some cool look spikes hanging off of it and it was always a part of my CSM Biker Lord set up.
4. Axe of Khorne – Upgrade for Mark of Khorne CSM Character
This was a unit upgrade from back in the day when the original mono pose Khorne Berzerker kit came out. It was a simple power weapon that basically got sustained hits. I would use them on my Aspiring Champions to try and feed more attacks than what I started with. I remember many games where I came in, rolled 5 dice and left with 8 hits.
3. Lash of Submission – Psychic Spell for Slaanesh Characters
One of the most powerful spells in the game – this old 4th-5th edition powerhouse would allow you to move your opponent’s models. This could let you get closer, get them out of an area, or do what most people did by putting them into a nice circle for your Obliterators to blast with their Plasma Cannons. Oh those days where templates were king this was such a brutal combo to deal with.
2. Lash of Despair – Slaanesh Chaos Daemon Weapon for Daemon Prince and Greater Daemons
This was the main reason why I loved running Flying Circus Daemons back in 6th and 7th edition. This weapon would allow you to shoot 2d6 shots at your strength and when you combo’d it with a default strength increasing spell you could have a strength 10+ monster wrecking things. It helped give you an answer to Imperial Knights that just started showing up and let you be a true flying threat of doom that could randomly explode things.
1. All of the Daemon Weapons for All Armies – So Many Editions
Every army had a cool little Daemon Weapon that would allow the bearer to roll a d6 before the fight and on a 2+ add that many attacks to their profile. Each of the attacks did a few things differently with either an ability to wound on a 2+ with your Nurgle Powerfist, have a crap ton more attacks with Khorne, or just be murderous with a black mace of death for your Undivided fans. All of these weapons added so much fun and fluff to the game it is a shame they are not back again. Heck it feels like a kind of miss to not see some kind of fun “extra” pile of enhancements armies can take who follow the Chaos Gods.
I am sure I am missing a bunch of things but these are the old upgrades I miss. I have been playing the bad guys for so many years they all kind of blur together when you think about the past atrocities you have done to your opponents armies on the table top.
Death to the False Emperor of Jazz!!!