Warhammer 40K: Blood Angels New Detachment Reveals – The Red Thirst Beckons

The Blood Angels are on the way with a new Codex and that means some brand new Detachments to run. Let’s see how they are stacking up.
Three new Detachments are coming to showcase the brutality of the Blood Angels. Depending on which option you choose you’ll really want to lean into particular playstyles and units. But before we go out giving suggestions/recommendations on what to bring we really should see those rules first.
” This new box is available for pre-order this weekend, and it contains a brand new Codex Supplement, which brings with it three new Detachments for you to organise your army into – whether they’re wearing red, black, or gold armour.”
Blood Angel Detachments
The first Detachment mentioned is the Liberators Assault Group. While we don’t have a fancy graphic for these rules we do get this text from WarCom:
“The Liberator Assault Group is home to Blood Angels on the cusp of giving into the Red Thirst, and pairs this returning Detachment rule – which provides an extra Attack and two Strength to melee weapons on the charge – with a selection of Stratagems that enhance the combat prowess of the sons of Sanguinius.”
So basically, this is the one from the Index for the Blood Angels.
That’s actually not too bad considering the Blood Angel’s unique close combat units. But this is already a bit of a known quantity. What IS new are the updated Stratagems and other enhancements you’ll have access to.
If you’re looking for a (somewhat) typical Blood Angels army with a lean towards close combat units then this is a great fit. To me, this is kind of the “default” option if you don’t want to go the other two routes for a more specialized experience.
Up next we have the Lost Brethren Detachment. This is the one you’ll want to run if you want to play into the Death Company side of the Blood Angels.
Essentially, your Death Company units are going to get benefits to their to-wound rolls with re-rolls. It depends on how banged-up the unit is but these could be very beneficial. Additionally, you’ll be able to run a lot more Death Company members because:
“All Death Company Marines gain the BATTLELINE keyword in this Detachment…”
So enjoy that Black Armor and endless rage! But those aren’t the only benefits. There are stratagems that will empower them based around nearby Chaplains.
So yes, you’re going to want to keep a supply of Chaplains nearby these Death Company units as they tear into the enemy lines.
The final preview Detachment we have is for The Angelic Host. This one is for folks who want to lean into the decent of the angels playstyle. Jump Pack units are going to greatly benefit from this one.
Apparently, the Blood Angels have learned how to turn up their Jump Packs all the way to “send us back into reserve” mode. Personally, I’ve always found it funny that the Jump Packs allow them to “Fly” right up until they land on the battlefield. Then it’s more of a “hop around” mode. Which, sure, that’s still a good bit of mobility. But this way you can go ALL the way up and then Deep Strike back down.
Naturally, they are going to get some stratagem support for this playstyle, too.
As far as your characters support there are some enhancements you can take as well. Gleaming Pinions can really help mess with the enemy’s movement/assault plans.
Obviously taking Sanguinary Guard or other Jump Pack units is preferable with this Detachment. I’d be curious to see what other sorts of tricks this one brings to the table though.
The Blood Angel Codex is coming soon enough. Your first crack will be in the upcoming Army Box. Are you ready for the Sons of Sanguinius to arrive?!