Warhammer 40K: Codex Blood Angels’ Best Units

Goatboy here with the best units from the brand new 40K Codex: Blood Angels. Beware these space vampires!
The new fresh and updated Blood Angels supplement is in our greedy little hands. Of course we can’t fully use it just yet as it isn’t a “true” release, (only out in the Death Company army set) but it is still something new and exciting to talk about. I’m pretty keen on the new Blood Angels codex and think it will be a nice new edition to the current 10th Edition meta of powerful assault-based armies. Let’s jump into the list.
5. Blood Angels Captain
Look we got a new Captain model that is an updated version of the one from the Space Marine codex. While it doesn’t shift from the rules of a regular Captain it does give your options if you want a bunch of Captains running things in your army. His default load out is different too and while it isn’t super exciting they at least give you rules for a fancy new model in the Combat Patrol Box. Gotta love those ceramite pecs and abs.
4. Death Company Captains – Jump & Foot
Now this isn’t a combined unit, but I figured we could add both of them together as they are basically Death Company leaders you can use in your Death Company army. They both get Black Rage which means they need a Chaplain nearby to not succumb to the Red Thirst. The Jump Pack option gives a jump Death Company unit Sustained Hits 1 and the foot one gives a foot unit not in a vehicle a 6” Scout move. It is cool to have other options to lead your Death Company units and it helps fill out that Death Company Detachment army with a ton of leadership options beyond Chaplains.
3. Sanguinary Priest
Here we get the updated Apothecary model for your Blood Angels. I really wish they had a jump option but I can understand why they wanted to limit what this guy can join. He grants a 5+ FNP to the unit as well as giving Melee weapons for that unit an extra AP for their weapons. It isn’t terrible and really it is the 5+ FNP that will let this guy show up all over the place as needed.
2. Death Company Dreadnought
Here we get the updated angry Dreadnought for the Blood Angels. It is a Brutalis Chassis with the added benefit of getting a 6+ FNP, a surge move if you shoot it, and just a whole lot of sass if it gets to your line. I am hoping he drops in points as it would be fun to run a bunch of angry boys on the tabletop.
1. Sanguinary Guard
Here we have the Poster Kids for the new Blood Angels codex. A completely updated guard unit with more wounds, an Invulnerable save, and extra damage on their sweet swords. These guys are going to show up with Dante most of the time while they are watching a sneaky Mephiston run around the tabletop. You can see how the Combat Patrol is designed to sell out as well, as you get six of these guys with a Captain and 10 Assault Intercessors. I hope they only go down in Points as this feels like a cool-looking unit of Chunky bois on the tabletop.
Get your wallets ready, becasue the Boys from Baal are thirsty!