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Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Say Goodbye to These Missing Imperial Agents

3 Minute Read
Aug 13 2024
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Goatboy here to go over Codex: Imperial Agents and pour out an Orange Fanta for our missing 40K friends.

Goatboy here with an Imperial Agent themed hot mess.  As usual with a new codex a lot of things get cut from the old book, never to be seen again.  This is usually models that happen to be in resin, rules that don’t make a lot of sense, and just a whole effort to clean things up.  Imperial Agents did lose a few things and I wanted to go over and pour out an Orange Fanta for our missing friends.

Goodbye Inquisitor Karamozov

The biggest missing piece in this book is how a few Inquisitors went away. While we didn’t lose Coteaz (we gained a chunky Coteaz) we did lose two of the more flavorful options from the old book and the old fluff.  The first one is the crazy Inquisitor Karamazov aka the Dreadnought Chaired MF’r.  This guy was always an interesting model as he fit into the whole techno barbarian aspects of the Imperium in a way other models didn’t.  He didn’t look like an Ad-Mech addition and rather felt like some kind of ancient jerk riding around on his stompy legs yelling about the good ole days.  This model was a long shot for staying in as it used to be a Metal monster and I think only got Finecasted a few times.  Still it would have been amazing to see this guy leading a rabble of nonsense on the table top.

Goodbye Inquisitor Eisenhorn

The next missing Inquisitor is of course Eisenhorn – a character that came out later in Finecast and was one of those special orders.  He is an interesting one as he is a rogue Inquisitor from the fluff with his whole love of Daemonhosts.  I remember painting one of these and found the design to be rather interesting.  I could see this one getting redone in plastic but for right now we just have to think fondly of the old days and how this guy would probably come out of your case with a broken staff piece because he was made in Finecast.

Goodbye Inquisitorial Henchmen

The final big loss is in the unique unit – the Inquisitorial Henchmen – aka the gang of weirdos that do a bunch of odd things, first appearing way back in the 2003 Codex: Daemonhunters.  Here you had some of the good ole days of GW fluff and nonsense with the Jokaero Weaponsmiths, the Daemonhosts, Mystics and Servitors.  I really miss this type of unit as it is just really added some oddball texture in the grand scheme of the game.  I thought for sure we would see a Killteam made up of these jerks at some point but alas it appears these guys have gone the way of the dodo.


The whole loss of the Henchman makes me think the Court of the Archon is going to go away from Dark Eldar whenever we get an update from them.  As well as some of the weird stuff still left in the indexes.  Will just have to wait and see.

Read More about the Codex Imperial Agents here.

  • Warhammer 40K Review: 'Codex Imperial Agents' - The Good, The Bad, and The Really Ugly