Warhammer 40K: Imperial Agent Crusade Rules Add ‘Shadow Operations’

If you’re a fan of Warhammer 40,000 Crusade campaigns then you’re going to want to use Imperial Agents for your next one.
The Warhammer 40k Crusade rules are fun and narrative ways to construct an army. They allow you to create a history of your army through game play — win or lose. By the time you’re “done” with the army you can be each unit will have it’s victorious moments and battles scars, too.
That’s what makes Imperial Agents an interesting addition. What if you could just “slot” in a few Agents into your existing Imperial forces and basically run dual Crusades? Because with Shadow Operations, you basically can do just that.
“Because Imperial Agents aren’t just restricted to their own faction, and can join other Imperial armies with their Assigned Agents rule, they aren’t restricted solely to the Crusade rules that work with the main army’s faction keyword – such as Oathsworn Campaigns for Space Marines. Inquisitors are always working on their own secret agendas even when embedded within other forces, and this is represented by the Shadow Operations rules.”
Imperial Agents – Shadow Operations
At the start of your Crusade campaign, if you’re including at least one Character with the Agents of the Imperium keyword, then you’ll have access to these Shadow Operations. You’ll start with three hidden Threats. These can vary in difficulty to uncover and can be picked or rolled for randomly. The higher threat options are harder but have longer time limits to achieve and provide better rewards.
The idea to complete these is straightforward. Every battle in your Crusade can net you Investigation Points towards these threats. Then, you’ll roll a die plus the number of Investigation Points and if you meet or beat the covert level, you uncover the plot.
But it doesn’t end there…
Once you’ve uncovered the plots the real work can begin. Now you need to complete Agendas that will grant you Influence or Intrigue points. Once again, you’re looking to meet or beat these goals before you with the points plus a die roll.
Completing these Agendas will require your Agents of the Imperium to get their hands dirty, too. They can’t just sit back and collect the intel. So keeping them in the fight and alive is a mini-game unto itself.
Depending on how well (or poorly) you did, you’ll be adjusting the Great Inquisitorial Wheel of Purgation. Or a Sub-sector Control tracker if you like. Once you’ve completed all three Threats you’ll get a reward…or Imperial Punishment!
Again, these rewards vary and they are thematic to the Crusade. Personally, I think this is a neat way to add some Imperial Agent fun to your Crusade. While I do also think this is an extra level of bookkeeping for an already bookkeeping heavy experience …that’s kinda the point! Crusades are supposed to develop over time and be documented in that way. So you’ll have a story to tell once you’ve finished. This version just happens to have an extra layer of Shadow Operations in the mix.
Crusade campaigns might not be your cup of tea, but if you like them then you might want to spice things up with an Imperial Agent in your next Crusade.
Shadow Operations? Never heard of ’em…