Warhammer 40K: Imperial Agents – The 3 Unique Inquisitor Characters

Games Workshop is showcasing the three named Inquisitors inside Codex: Imperial Agents. Let’s see what they can do on the tabletop!
Today we’re getting a look at the most “Imperial Agent” of all the units in the upcoming Codex: The Inquisitors. Specifically, we’re getting a look at the three named characters in the book. Now, so long time vets might be a little bummed to hear there are only three named Inquisitors. Sorry Karamazov fans, he’s not one of them. But the ones we do have each represent one of the main Ordos within the Inquisition. So let’s see who we’re getting.
“Each Inquisitor specialises in a particular threat to the Imperium, from seditious foes to classified records and even the nature of time itself. They are collected into distinct organisations known as Ordos, with the three Ordos Majoris – the Ordo Xenos, Ordo Hereticus, and Ordo Malleus – holding the most sway, though there are more than a few minor Ordos with influence.”
Unique Inquisitors of Imperial Agents
Inquisitor Coteaz
First up we’re taking a look at the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Coteaz. The Ordo Malleus is focused on primarily combating daemons and other foul warp influence. So it makes sense that Inquisitor Coteaz would come with some extra psychic defense. What’s nice is that even against non-daemon units it’s still a blanket 6+ invulnerable save. While his uh…”glow-up” mininature might not be the most popular out there, at least his rule isn’t terrible. And if your local meta is running a lot of Tzeentch or other armies that go hard on daemons with Psychic Attacks he might just be a game changer for you.
Inquisitor Greyfax
Up next to represent the Witch Hunting Ordo Hereticus we have Inquisitor Greyfax. Personally, I like the “Sci-Fi Witch Hunter” look this miniature had — specifically that hat. Greyfax’s Psyoculum rule is also pretty good against Psykers in general. While Coteaz might be on the defensive side, Greyfax is about aggression. Bring her along if you’re going up against a Psyker-heavy list and watch them squirm. Or target her and her unit first.
Inquisitor Draxus
The final named Inquisitor is Inquisitor Kyria Draxus. She represents the Ordo Xenos — the alien hunter. And, to be fair, her rule really reflects that. Xenos Hunter gives her and the unit she’s leading +1 to hit vs units that DON’T have the Imperium or Chaos keyword. Honestly, that’s kind of refreshing take on that rule. Having her in your army means you’re going to be extra effective against non-Imperial and non-Chaos armies. So if you find yourself up against a lot of Xenos she’s a great fit.
“You’ll be able to take all three Inquisitors onto the field of battle soon, alongside three Battleforces of devoted followers, which go up for pre-order this weekend.”
These three Inquisitors fill very specific niches for armies. If you’ve got that sort of a gap in your lists adding one of them can really help to shore-up those shortcomings. They also pair nicely with the Assigned Agents rules and allow for you obvious combo units. Depending on the points, I starting to look real hard at a Covus Blackstar + Deathwatch + an Inquisitor as something to add to my Blood Angels.
Are any of the Inquisitors rules tempting you to bring one in your army?