Warhammer 40K: New Blood Angel Reveals – Sanguinary Priests & Captains Get New Miniatures

The Blood Angel’s Lemartes and Astorath are getting new miniatures. But they aren’t the only characters getting a new, updated look.
We already got a tease of the new Blood Angels Army Box coming with the new Codex. That one is certainly Death Company focused and quite impressive. However, it’s time for some of the more generic characters to get some love, too. The Sanguinary Priests and the Captains of the Blood Angels are getting a new look!
Sanguinary Priests
“While all Chapters maintain a cadre of Apothecaries to treat wounds and recover gene-seed, the Sanguinary Priests of the Blood Angels have another duty – controlling the Red Thirst that grips all Sons of Sanguinius throughout their lives.”
This new miniature still has a lot of the same features that you might expect from a Space Marine Apothecary. From the Prime Helix insignia to the Narthecium — the tool of their office. However the Sanguinary Priest of the Blood Angels also have some features specific to their order, too. Notice the golden chalice and extra vials of blood. Let’s just say those aren’t there by accident.
Personally, I like the new look and as a Blood Angel player myself I think it’s about time we got a new Primaris Sanguinary Priest model. There’s also a certain character version in particular I’m wondering about, too…
Blood Angels Primaris Captain
“The Captains who lead the companies of Baal and their successors must be exemplars of the Emperor’s finest – blessed with astonishing combat skills and a regal countenance to humble planetary governors – and their new miniatures capture every bit of their carefully cultivated virtue.”
If you look closely at the pictures above you can see just how much customization you can get with this kit. The melee weapons include a chainsword, power fist, and relic blade/power sword. The pistol can either be a heavy bolt pistol or inferno pistol. There’s a few different head options. And you can opt for a cape or not. Oh, and don’t forget the arms have a few different positions, too. Then we get the shoulder pad accessory options — there are three showcased above.
I’m also liking this new Captain miniature, too. I’m sure many of those bits can be reused for unit leaders for other squads to just something to spruce up your Blood Angels army in general.
The new miniatures will be available alongside the new Codex later this year. Keep an eye out for the Sons of Sanguinius coming soon!
The Blood Angels are still crossing the Rubicon Primaris…