Warhammer 40K: New Blood Angels Combat Patrol Showcases Sanguinary Spearhead

The Blood Angels are getting a new Combat Patrol and it’s packing in the assault punch to rip and tear to victory.
Games Workshop has announced a new Combat Patrol set for the Blood Angels. The Sanguinary Spear brings a whole lot of close-combat punch to the tabletop with Assault Intercessors, Sanguinary Guard, and a Captain to led the charge.
“The Sanguinary Spearhead contains 17 miniatures that form an extremely aggressive force designed to quickly close the gap and tear through any opponents that foolishly stand in opposition to the Blood Angels. “
Blood Angels Combat Patrol
The new Combat Patrol is very clearly focused on getting up close and punching the enemy right in the mouth. This force certainly leans into that close-combat/assault phase line-up. The fact that you’re getting 6 Sanguinary Guard is also a good sign — at least in terms of rules. They are going to bring the beef in this Combat Patrol.
Additionally, the core of this Combat Patrol is the Assault Intercessors. With 10 of them forming the backbone this Combat Patrol is going to be tough to dislodge. And it’s not like Blood Angels are slouches when it comes to fighting anyhow.
But odds are you probably know all this already. We don’t really need to do a deep tactical dive on this upcoming box. The game plan is pretty obvious just from looking that the contents. The one thing we do need to do is look at the rules included for them.
“As you might expect from a Combat Patrol entirely equipped for close combat, the Sanguinary Spearhead is packed with rules that let you surge across the battlefield. The Blood Angels are Space Marines at their core and so share the same Oath of Moment army rule that the previous Combat Patrol had, but hone their close combat prowess with new Enhancements, secondary objectives, and Stratagems to pick from.”
Shooting the members of this Combat Patrol is only going to make them close the gap even faster. So at least they give your opponent two bad options: Shoot them or don’t . Whatever they choose the Blood Angels are going to come to them.
Refuse to Bend is another rule that helps the Blood Angels out in the shooting phase. If they get targeted by an attack they get a 6+ Feel No Pain. However, if the attack is more that 12″ away, that FNP becomes a 5+ instead.
This Blood Angels Combat Patrol is shaping up to be a simple and effective setup. You really just need to know one order: CHARGE!