Warhammer 40K: New FAQ Updates Out For Genestealer Cults & Adepta Sororitas

Games Workshop has released FAQs for both the Genestealer Cults and the Adepta Sororitas. Plus Core Rules clarifications for Warhammer 40,000.
It’s time to head over to the Warhammer 40,000 Downloads page and get the latest updates from GW. There’s new codex FAQs out and clarifications for both the Core Rules an the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion.
Genestealer Cults FAQ
There’s not a whole lot that’s been added to this version 1.1 of the FAQ. There was an errata for Hybrid Metamorphs and their Brood Surge ability.
So you can’t have a hand flamer in the unit to get the full 6″ move for your Brood Surge ability now. The rest of the document is fairly short and there was no other changes from v1.o.
Adepta Sororitas FAQ
There’s an errata regarding the Devout Fanaticism Stratagem that applies to the timing on using it.
The trigger for “when” is just after an enemy unit has shot. Not a crazy change but it needed clarifying for sure.
Core Rules Commentary & Updates
There a few different sections with clarifications and updates to touch on. You may want to drop into the FAQ section for refresher on these things.
There are other tweaks in there as well. It’s also worth noting that the Pivot Values now has a handy chart you can use for reference:
Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion FAQ
There’s a clarification for Burden of Trust Primary Missions that explains the timing for scoring VPs clearly.
There’s also many minor tweaks to the mission cards. You’re definitely going to want to scan those and look for any red text for changes.
There’s really not a TON of major stuff going on with these updates. Mostly they are just clarifications and shouldn’t be massive meta shifts. I’m sure GW will tweak more stuff over time with the Pariah Nexus as needed but for now it appears to be going smooth. The GSC and Adepta Sororitas codexes didn’t have a whole lot that needed errata. Although the things that did get tweaked did need the clarifications.
I think it’s fairly smooth sailing right now in terms of rules updates. We’ll see if this trend continues with the impending Imperial Agents release and Blood Angels codex soon after.
Updates are good things and these clarifications do help!