Warhammer 40K: Previews – Operation Hivestorm Reveals

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is getting a new edition later this year. Operation Hivestorm is incoming with new miniatures!
There’s a new edition of Kill Team on the horizon from Games Workshop. This new boxed set has a TON of cool, new miniatures, terrain, and more. It’s got everything you need to play Kill Team and it’s more approachable than ever. There’s loads of things to cover so let’s start with the two new Kill Teams!
Kill Team: Hivestorm
In the box set there will be two brand new Kill Teams. With the refocus on the battles happening in the Chalnath Expanse, we’re looking at the Imperium vs the T’au. And what better way to do that then to have these Kill Teams come from those factions!
Tempestus Aquilons
The Tempestus Aquilons are a part of the Tempestus Scions. They were already highly trained to begin with but the Aquilons are specifically trained for dropping into battle via grav-chutes. They go where the fighting is thickest and are there to hand these dangerous special operations.
There’s quite a few more specialists coming with this Kill Team. The Gunfighter, Gunner, Marksmen and more are ready to drop in and deliver the Emperor’s wrath on their foes!
Personally, I appreciate their new kits. Their hot-shot lascarbines look sleek and different to the standard versions. I also like their grav-chutes design as well. This looks like a great addition to the range and I’m honestly wondering if this is a sign of things to come for the Tempetus Scion forces…
Vespid Stingwings
I did not have “new Vespids in 2024” on my bingo card and I’m pleasantly surprised. They have been modernized with new miniatures for the range. And it doesn’t stop there. The Vespids have some nasty new weapons to bring with them into combat. The T’au engineers have been very busy on their wargear!
From new neutron crystal powered grenade launchers, to flamers, to fancy new “ghost rigs” for stealth the Vespids got a major glow-up in the new edition. They are going to be fast and deadly so be prepared for their assault!
New Kill Team Edition Updates
This also marks the a new edition update for Kill Team. While the core rules are mostly going to be the same there have been lots of tweaks and changes made. The primary focus on the game’s new edition is accessibility. GW wants to get more people into Kill Team and playing this fast-paced skirmish game. With that end in mind, they have a few exciting new changes coming.
First up, all factions rules will be available for free online on day one. That’s right — it’s going to be super easy to dive in and try out Kill Team’s new edition. There will be physical cards you can order later but you won’t have to have them to play your chosen faction.
Kill Op is a new feature of the game as well. This new rule really puts the “Kill” back in Kill Team. You’ll be able to score points and get VPs just for simply taking out enemy forces. Below is a little preview of the rule.
New Kill Team Game Modes
In more exciting news Kill Team will also have two new game modes added as ways to play: Solo and Co-operative mode. Solo mode is pretty self explanatory. It’s perfect for getting games in when you’ve got some time or if you just want to try new factions or miniatures out. You can even run entire solo-mode campaigns to create your own narrative, too.
Co-operative mode is a great way to get into Kill Team for new players. If you’re a veteran player and want to help teach the game you can buddy-up with a friend and take on Procedurally Generated Operatives. There were referred to as “NPOs” which I’m assuming means Non-Player Operatives.
I think this is a great addition to the game. There should be more co-operative experiences in wargames instead of always being PvP games. They shouldn’t replace the core 1v1 game modes — but having them as an option is fantastic news. Besides, its a great way to even the playing field when you’ve got hundred games under your belt vs someone who’s just learning the game.
Both of these modes will be supported with core two releases and free mission pack downloads. I’m looking forward to giving these two modes a fair shake in the future!
I sure seems like Kill Team is coming out with the big guns with this new edition. New miniatures to be excited about and new and easier ways to engage with Kill Team? That sounds like a solid plan to me.
You can read more about the new Kill Team edition here. And you can also watch the entire Preview online below.
Solo AND a Co-op Mode for Kill Team? Color me intrigued.