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Warhammer 40K: Sanguinary Guard Rules Preview – Encarmine Blade vs Encarmine Spear

3 Minute Read
Aug 19 2024

Games Workshop has dropped a preview for the Sanguinary Guard rules. So which option do you go with: Encarmine Blades or Spears?

The new Sanguinary Guard miniatures might be a little flat in terms of details but from a rules perspective they might still be worth taking. A big part of this will come down to their final points cost and the rest of their stat/rules. At least now we’ve got a better idea of what they will be able to do on the tabletop with the updated Blood Angels Codex coming.

via Warhammer Community

“As the absolute cream of the crop, the new Sanguinary Guard come in units of three to six, though their durability has been improved with an extra Wound and a new 4+ Invulnerable Save to compensate for smaller unit sizes. “

Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard Rules

First up, we DO have their current/old Datasheet to compare so let’s pull that out:

So they are dropping from a unit size of 5-10 down to 3-6. That’s a notable change for sure. In exchange they are gaining a wound and also gaining a new 4+ Invulnerable Save as well. That’s kind of a big deal! If they end up retaining their 2+ save then they are essentially Terminators with Jump Packs and one less toughness. That’s actually not bad at all.

But here’s a look at some official stats for their wargear options and where we get the title from:


Just based on pure damage potential the Blades are better due to their extra attack and extra AP. On the other hand the Spears comes with the Lance rule which is a bonus +1 to wound rolls on the charge making them more effective vs tougher targets in general. Against most other Infantry that’s probably going to result in needing to roll 2+ to wound after modifiers. And vs tougher targets you’ve got a much better chance of landing those killing blows.

Then again, don’t these guys have access to Inferno pistols for popping armor? Just asking for a friend…

There is also the choice to swap one of the Sanguinary Guard’s angelus boltgun to an inferno pistol, while another can upgrade their encarmine spear with a Sanguinary Banner – one of a number of rare pennants usually stored in the Blood Angels’ vaults on Baal. “

Hmm…looks a lot like the whole squad can’t swap over to Inferno Pistols but at least one in three can.


That Lance rule might come up more than you think as well. That’s due to the Death from the Skies stratagem they have access to. They will still be able to charge after Advancing or Falling Back on the same turn for 1 CP. That could very well mean they can close those distances much faster than your opponent might realize.

At the end of the day the Sanguinary Guard are getting some nice upgrades in exchange for a smaller squad size. They are going to be a lot more durable per model than previously, but you’re not going to be able to have the same amount of them. That said, the rules are making them seem a bit more enticing to run. Now I just need to find a way to enhance those wings on their back…


Which weapon option are you going for? Blades or Spears?

Author: Adam Harrison
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