Warhammer 40K: The Best ‘Codex: Blood Angels’ Stratagems

Goatboy here with the best of of the best Stratagems from the brand new 40K 10th Edition Codex: Blood Angels. The Boys From Baal are back!
There are a bunch of powerful Blood Angel Strategems int he codex, and each Detachment feels almost usable – even the Death Company one for those who really want to fall into the Red Thirst. Let’s look at the top five Strats that you will see be used exclusively in the new BA Detachments.
5. Armour of Contempt – 1CP – Liberator Assault Group, The Lost Brethren, & The Angelic Host
Look this is a powerful Stratagem for Space Marines and this book decided to give it to every detachment. We all know what it does. You get targeted by something and then you knock off a pip of AP from that attack. You sit in cover and go back to having a 2+ save of some sort, roll a bunch of dice and take a wound or two. It is just very powerful and it is pretty awesome. Armour of Contempt is in each of the detachments.
4. Descent of Angels – 1CP – The Angelic Host
Wouldn’t you know the Deepstrike/”Up & Down” detachment has the ability to land within 3″ of the enemy. Who would have thought this would show up in here? We all know it can be very powerful and handy to go get that objective, contest that objective, or just get into a special spot that lets you shoot a ton of bullets into the enemy. Descent of Angels is powerful, will be used, and is something we all have to think about when we play against the Blood Angels in the Angelic host detachment.
3. Glorious Sacrifice – 1CP – The Lost Brethren
As a World Eaters player you will use the Strat Blood Offering to control an objective you are on and unfortunately had a unit murdered on. This will happen from time to time with the Death Company detachment. Thus, Glorious Sacrifice is a good stratagem to have in the tank in case you need to hold that objective a bit longer while the rest of your army goes hog wild into the enemy.
2. Death from the Skies – 1CP – The Angelic Host
Here is the awesome advance and charge stratagem for the Blood Angels. This one you can use in the Charge Phase which makes it very useful and powerful. The other one in this book has you utilize it during the movement phase when you advance so it does give your opponent a lot of warning on the unit that might come crashing in. I love how Death From the Skies sets up some powerful charges you can do, and I expect the other one is set up that way due to the nature of that detachments overwhelming damage they can do when they land a charge and fight phase.
1. Red Rampage – 1CP – Liberator Assault Group
This one is a very powerful option in this detachment as you can either just get Lance or Lethal hits – or if you decide to go hog wild into the Red Thirst, you gain both and become Battleshocked. These are for those turns where you need to murder something with extreme Blood Angel damage potential and this is how you will do it. I can see some Death Company coming in with a Death Company captain who also gives the unit Sustained Hits 1. That is right, you have exploding 6’s that also auto Wound on 6’s, and then you get a +1 to wound. That can be a crap ton of attacks, especially with Eviserators, Powerfists, and good ole Chainswords going to town on the enemy.
Blood Angels Strategems Verdict
Overall I think the strats are pretty well situated around the army. I like seeing Armour of Contempt for each one as well as a few “marque” ones for each option. I get the feeling the Liberators are going to be one of the better ones just due to the nature of how powerful a +2 to strength and +1 to attacks are on the charge for an army that wants to go to town punching you in the face. Heck, I can see Dante joining up with a Sanguinary guard, who goes 12+d6+1+2d6+1 into your face for 1CP and exploding again for another CP.
For Sanguinius!