Warhammer 40K: Top 5 “Must-Have” Units for 10th’s Hot Armies

Goatboy here with a look at some of the most important 40K units you need if you want to play one of 10th Edition’s hot armies.
I will be looking at this from a Non-Battleline choice as those are some of the models that will be doing the most work for you. A lot of these unit choices also represent two strong choices in their army and something to consider when trying to build the army up. Either – either look at Army Boxes or other deals to lessen the burden on your wallet. You will most often be needing multiples of these units.
5. Exalted Eightbound/Eightbound set – World Eaters
This boxed set is the major building block for the current World Eater list. If the army doesn’t have a few units of Eightbound in either flavor, then you have to wonder what kind of army are you taking. The Eightbound unit scouts and helps put pressure on the opponent while the Exalted Eightbound is your elite killing unit designed to crush the enemy through stacked layers of damage potential. Heck, my armies are starting to look at SIX units of Eighbound Variants between both the Exalted and Regular versions!
4. Deathwing Knights Terminator set – Dark Angels
The current Marine army to beat is the Dark Angels builds that use three units of Deathwing Knights to help control the center and just be a pain in the butt to remove. Their ability to have damage prevention and tough stat line makes them perfect to build your army around. You throw some of these Deathwing Terminators in the mix, use some chaff to score objectives, and some punishing counterfire gives you a powerful army set up that is built to be a pain to remove.
3. Ork Meganobz set – Orks
One of the linchpins for the Bully Boyz Ork army – the Meganob boxed set is a great addition to your army. The ability to have a 2-man unit up to a 6-man option is very powerful, as well as being one of the few units Ghaz can attach to. If you are playing a Bully Boyz list then you will need a few boxes of these to help build out that army of destruction.
2. Hybrid Metamorphs/Acolyte Hybrids set – Genestealer Cults
If you are playing the GSC army then know you will need a ton of these boxed sets. This box builds two different units that are very important to the army – especially with the new FAQ update. I can’t say how many I painted for a client… but it is a crap ton. Heck, the amount of bits I have left over is insane and these guys are going to be a big part of your Genestealer Force.
1. Canoptek Wraiths set – Necrons
The big ole bully’s in Necron armies, this Wraiths boxed set is as must. Who wouldn’t want a nice little unit that can move fast, survive a lot of damage, and take up a good deal of the board. Yes, they don’t always hit the hardest but we all know in this game having some board presence and control is just important to scoring the game.
What other units do you feel are must have for armies? How many boxes do you have squirrels away for a rainy day? What other elite units are just too fun not to take a few of in your army lists?