Warhammer 40K: Top 5 Space Wolves Units I Expect – After Codex Blood Angels

Goatboy here with the plastic Space Wolves I expect after looking through the new Blood Angels & Dark Angels codexes.
Goatboy here with the upcoming Blood Angels release showing how a ton of plastic models are getting updated. We also saw how Dark Angels had a pretty big update in plastic as well. So, it would make sense to see Space Wolves get an update too. So let’s put on our foil hats, look into our Grimdark crystal ball, and slowly stroke our wizard beards as we divine what GW will be giving the Space Wolves.
5. Arjac Rockfist
This feels like the easiest one to see as he is still an interesting character. While he is an odd Lieutenant he can easily be a sweet little plastic model. Plus he has an awesome hammer, dope shield, and looks like a crazy Space Wolf.
4. Wolf Guard
There is no way this unit is left out and not updated. It is one of the Iconic Space Wolf units from the codex and might be one of the ways an updated Vanguard Vet box comes out as that unit is still available to Space Marines. We have to look at wargear options left behind from old editions and how they can be cleaned up, while still making Wolf Guard an iconic unit. This unit fits the bill for Space Wolves and would be a pretty awesome new kit.
3. Thunder Wolf Calvary
This is a kit that I think still works pretty well but could easily get an updated Primaris sized option with a few more interesting bitz. Thunder Wolves always feels weird that their weapons used too be so customizable and now are not nearly as interesting. A few tweaks, a cool update, a big heavy weapon, and maybe even some other options could spice out a brand new plastic kit.
2. Wolf Lord
There are two ways this could go – it could be a Thunder Wolf lord option in some kind of awesome new kit or what I expect to happen with some kind of “foot” Wolf Lord. Look at how all the other Space Marine options got some kind of interesting foot Lord and you can see this coming to Space Wolves just as easily. You throw on some kind of crazy Frost Hammer, a bunch of pelts, and maybe some wolf-like helmets and you got a winner.
1. Space Wolf Dreadnought (Redemptor Sized!)
There is no way that a Space Wolf Dreadnought isn’t getting expanded to a Redemptor-sized body. I would love to see a crazy Axe/Shield combo as it could be really intersecting. Heck I would love to see all the Space Wolf Dread options all throw into the Redemptor kit and create some kind of crazy space-viking monster of awesome.
What other kits do you think we’ll see whenever we get the Space Wolf book? I am sure we’ll lose a lot of options but there is so much room to wolf things out, that it would be a shame we didn’t get them.
~For the Wolftime!