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Warhammer Horus Heresy: Mechanicum Battle Group

4 Minute Read
Aug 3 2024

The Horus Heresy is getting a new Machanicum Battle Group box and we’ve got it in the studio. Time to get up close with these miniatures!

The Mechanicum have a meaty new Battle Group coming to store shelves. Games Workshop sent us a review copy and we dug in to assemble these new plastic miniatures. If you were looking for a great way to start a Mechanicum Army for The Horus Heresy then you’re going to want to get this one for sure. But first…Let’s see those models!

Mechanicum Battle Group Box Set


Triaros Conveyor




Up first is the largest model in the box. This is the new plastic version of the Triaro Conveyor. This is a dedicated transport that is unique to the Mechanicum. And you’re going to want it for all those foot sloggers you’re getting in the box. It’s got a very different look from the Space Marine transports in the Horus Heresy. It’s distinct features will help it stand out from the other forces like the Marines or Solar Auxilia. At the same time you can see some shared design principles. This is a really interesting look tank!

Adsecularis Tech-thralls


The Adsecularis Tech-thralls aren’t the most impressive infantry out there in terms of stats. But they make up for that in raw numbers. I wasn’t expecting these miniatures to be quite so zombie-like however. I think this design is really cool as it’s a combination of man and machine that goes for a more “necromancy” vibe. It kind of makes you wonder if the Mechancius isn’t entirely on the up-and-up…

Anyhow, you get 20 of these in the box and they have a bunch of various poses to go through. I like the details of the mechanical limbs and how they stand out compared to the awkward and sometimes withered organic parts. This is a great unit addition — and it’s plastic, too!


The Battle Group also comes with six impressive and imposing Thallax to form as your fighting core. This is the unit that’s durable, has a few numbers to hold things, and and dish out the pain. I do wish we had more of these in the box but that probably would have pushed other things out. Regardless, it’s good to have this unit out in plastic. I’m looking forward to seeing more of these on the tabletop.

Castellax Battle-automata


And finally we get to the big-boys of the Castellax Battle-automata. You get two of these in the box and they are chonky! This is another unit that is getting that plastic kit and I’m here for it! I’m liking the details but I’m also looking forward to seeing what other conversions this kit is used for in the future. That’s the nice thing about plastic and plastic bits — it’s really easy to do bits swaps or conversions with it. But I’m getting ahead of myself. The two Castellax Battle-automata straight out of the box are just really cool. If you’re a fan of that “Retro-future” robot look the Mechanicum is the army for you!

The new Mechancium Battle Group is up for pre-order this weekend. I, for one, welcome our new plastic robot overlord of the Mechancium to the Horus Heresy.


Beep Boop, Indeed!

Promotional product provided by Games Workshop, PLC


Author: Adam Harrison
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