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Warhammer: NOVA Open Roadmap Reveals

4 Minute Read
Aug 28 2024
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Games Workshop has released some new info on the Roadmaps for bunch of your favorite Warhammer systems. Here’s what coming down the pipe!

The NOVA Open 2024 Preview show just happened and the roadmaps that were previewed in the stream were …not great. It was really just a recap of what happened over the past year or two of the game system and then some vague talk about what’s coming. On the plus side, GW at least put together roadmap graphics which they then posted on the Warhammer-Community site. Links to their respective game system below.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

What we DO know is that the Slaves to Darkness are on deck after the Stormcast and Skaven get their books. And there’s “more to come” in 2025. Duh. We’ve got more battletomes and spearhead boxes specifically. It looks like Orruk Warclans and Gloomspite Gitz are at least getting their spearhead boxes. You can scroll down to the bottom of the Stormcast Reveals to try and get more info.

There was also mention of some sort of Narrative book coming, too. So…stay tuned?

Warhammer 40,000

This preview was a little more informative. We at least learned which Codexes are coming. Also that the Astra Militarum wave is going to be getting a Death Korps wave! That’s exciting. And it’s not just infantry re-issued, either. I’m looking forward to see what they have in store. The Aeldari were also mentioned as getting some new Aspect Warrior updates. Gee…I wonder who that could be. Imperial Knights are after that.

Also, there was a mention of some Chaos “stuff” happening in the future, too.

The Horus Heresy


The Age of Darkness (aka Horus Heresy) roadmap was pretty vague. Mechanicum are coming, which are actually up for pre-order this weekend. There’s “other factions” waiting to come out. Here’s a quick bullet point list of what was mentioned during the show.

Age of Darkness 2024 and Beyond (?)

  • More Space Marines
  • Melee Weapon Set
  • Core Space Marine
  • Solar Auxilia and Mechanicum releases
  • Legion Specific “stuff” in the future

So yeah. In the future we’re getting more stuff. Who would have guessed.

For Legions Imperialis, it was more of the same.

Legions Imperialis

  • “anything that we make”
  • expanding Space Marine
  • expanding Solar Auxila
  • “for the next few years”
  • Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence in the future

So I can understand not wanting to over promise here. But uh…I really don’t know if this one was helpful at all. This really makes me miss the old format of the preview shows and more detailed info graphics.


Warhammer: The Old World

This preview was also helpful but still vague. We learned that the next army after Warriors of Chaos is the Empire of Man. What wasn’t mentioned was the High Elves — which are on this graphic. So, that’s cool. The details for all of this stuff was pretty vague.

Everything Else…

After the final roadmap discussion there was a rapid fire set of teasers which, again, all very vague.


  • New Faction this year
  • and more factions in the future

I’m glad we’re getting more gangs but uh…*I* could have called that with the same amount of detail and accuracy.


Kill Team

  • More Kill Teams
  • and boxed sets with terrain and more

See above.


  • new warbands
  • 2025 – more factions

Are we sensing a pattern?

Blood Bowl

  • Chaos Dwarves
  • more teams in 2025

I’m really not sure if GW was trying to keep it vague and mysterious or just troll us all at this point. The fact that these graphics weren’t even included in the preview stream is just the icing on the cake. /facepalm


Was anyone else watching the stream just a *tad* frustrated with this delivery method of information? I don’t mind the pre-recorded shows. In fact, I think that’s a smart move. But GW, if you’re reading this, can you at least add the infographics BACK in the preview shows? And can we get some more nice stills of the minis and less of the pan-over stuff? Please? Oh well. Maybe next time.


At least the previews are under an hour now. I guess that’s a good thing…


Author: Adam Harrison
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