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Warhammer Preview: NOVA Open This Week

3 Minute Read
Aug 26 2024

Mark your calendars and set your alarms. There’s a Warhammer Preview This week from Games Workshop at the NOVA Open!

The NOVA Open 2024 is happening this week. It’s going to be an event packed weekend with loads of gaming going on. There’s plenty to do and check out even if you’re not signed up for one of the many, many tournament evens happening. One such thing happening at the convention is a new Warhammer Preview and this one promises to be a doozy. But not everyone can make it to the big show in person…but that’s okay. GW has us all covered.

via Warhammer Community

“We’re only a few days away from the NOVA Open 2024, and that means there’s a Warhammer Preview Show on the horizon – but this time, it’s a little bit different. We’ve got some awesome miniatures to show off, but we’ll mainly be looking a little further ahead with a slate of new roadmaps for your favourite Warhammer games.”

NOVA Open Previews

The show itself appears to be following the same format we’ve seen GW swap to more recently. We’re going to get reveals for Wahammer: Age of Sigmar and Blood Bowl. As far as what reveals we’re getting for Age of Sigmar, we have pretty good idea after the Skaven got their reveals first.

“After the Skaven showed off their horrifying reinforcements at the Hel Crown preview, the Stormcast Eternals are dusting off from this historic loss and marshalling new forces of their own with some stunning new additions for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. There’s also something brewing on the Blood Bowl pitch, and if Jim and Bob’s excitement is anything to go by, it’s a team to be watched.”

It’s going to be a lot of Stormcast Eternals for sure. Am also curious what Blood Bowl Team reveals GW has cooked up as well. Those are always fun models to see.


It’s also been far too long since we got a roadmap update for any of GW’s game systems. We hit the end of the last one a while ago. The same goes for AoS, too.

Seriously… the last AoS Roadmap was pre-4th edition. It’s been that long.

I’m not sure why GW shifted away from giving us more frequent roadmap updates. Personally, I always found those helpful and they built hype. Even if you didn’t play one of the armies that was on the list you at least knew the game was getting something. And there was the hope your army would be on the next batch of maybe one of the “hidden” teasers towards the end.


Both the Horus Heresy and The Old World are getting Roadmaps, too. All around this is good news and I’m really glad to see GW putting these out. It’s like knowing there’s a safety line attached while you’re heading out into unknown space.

More Live Coverage All Weekend

There’s also going to be tons of live coverage coming from the NOVA Open for the entire weekend. Keep a special eye out for the Kill Team Approved Ops Showcase, too!

Check your local time zone if you want to catch it live on GW’s Twitch page!


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Blood Angels Weekend