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‘Warhammer: The Old World’ Is Bringing Back Some GW’s Best Terrain

3 Minute Read
Aug 14 2024
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Classic terrain sets for Warhammer: The Old World are making much-needed comeback. HOORAY!

This week GW announced that a bunch of classic WFB terrain sets are getting re-released. This is great news for fans of the game and those running events. These are some of the best-looking fantasy terrains we’ve had. Their return is a great boon for the game and should have your tables looking fly pretty quick. Let’s take a quick look at what we’ve got.

Hills Baby!


First up we’ve got some hills. Hills are a pretty essential part of the Warhammer: The Old World and one of the most common features to find on a table. You really need some in your game, or at least available. Now they should be so common that having GW put some out isn’t all that big a deal. However, I’ve noticed that at a lot of game stores, hills are actually quite rare. A number of modern games simply don’t use them much, such as 40K. This has a lot to do with true LoS meaning you need super tall hills to have any effect and people just skip them. The Old World is a bit different, and you really want them, so it’s nice to see the community get an easy fix. These hills also look great, with the nice flocking, and have a good flat top so they are quite useful. A great addition to a table.

The Buildings!

Next up we have by far the most exciting part of the release. The buildings. The big one is the large fortified Empire manor, which is several other kits combined together. You can also get the individual parts on their own. This is, sadly for those of us who remember when it first came out, a classic kit.  It’s also just a really pretty set, with a ton of character a bits. You can do a lot with the kit, and and bitz. Plus, it really adds to both a table and a collection. Or a display table.

The walls on their own are super useful as low linear obstacles on a table. You can also use them as great bits to add into units as filler to make some cool things. Overall these are just super versatile kits. You can combine them, buy them together, or split them up to give you a lot of options. They can also be used in a number of other games. And man, they are just great looking, really dripping that Old World appeal. I’m super stoked to see them return.

The Ruins We Dwell In

Lastly we are also getting the old Arcane Ruins set. This is another classic and cool set. Used as a whole, it actually has rules in the game and can be a fun addition. The feature also plays a role in one of the missions. That alone makes its a great addition. I also have always loved just the… thiccness of the model. It’s got some chunk on it that really sets it apart and makes it seem ancient and foreboding. If you don’t want to use it as the straight kit its also great for other things. The columns it comes with are great for dioramas or even using as unit filler. You could for instance make a pretty cool army that is supposed to be moving through an old Dwarven hall, with the pillars dotting the ranks. Or whatever you’d like! That’s what so great about all this new/old terrain- the possibilities.


Let us know what other kits you’d like to see brought back, down in the comments! 


Author: Abe Apfel
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