Warhammer: The Old World – The Chaos Invasion Is Coming

Bring on the Chaos Invasion from the North. Warhammer: The Old World is about to get it’s “big bad” army marching to war!
If there was one army that could possibly tempt me into playing Warhammer: The Old World it’s the Warriors of Chaos. Why? Well, mostly because I already had that army. Like a lot of lapsed Warhammer Fantasy players I too was thinking of busting out my old army and giving it a go. But to be very honest about it, I just didn’t want to put the effort into it. In the years since, I had rebased the majority of my Chaos Warriors for use in Age of Sigmar. I’ve been quite happy with them in that system so why would I rebased them again? Plus, I didn’t even have a physical book to use for them yet. Ravening Hordes is nice and all…but I wanted an Arcane Journal. I figured I’d wait until that came out.
Now that book along with a re-launch of the old models in on the horizon. I’m suddenly starting to feel something calling my name once again. Chaos is coming. And I think I like it…
Warriors of Chaos Are Gathering
This weekend the Warriors of Chaos are going up for Pre-order for The Old World. There’s something that I’ve always found appealing about their army. It’s the idea of this faceless wall of armor marching to war. They don’t care about the enemy in their way. They will go through them and show no mercy while doing it. I blame this game trailer for a lot of that:
Good times. Anyhow, one other factor is also really appealing to me about this re-launch of the Warriors of Chaos and that’s the boxed set.
You get a LOT from this box. I don’t know if folks remember the old Warhammer Fantasy Battalion boxes back in the day. They were around $90 at the time. They were basically half of these boxes and I bought two of them for my army. It was a really good deal then and this looks like it could be the exact same setup.
I, much like many players, also still have a Chaos Lord and/or Sorcerer laying around. So I’ve already got the character slots covered. I’m guessing this box is going to be pointed out similar to the other army boxes, too. So that will be a nice starting point I think. The tough part is going to be getting ahold of those reference cards packs…those seem to sell like hotcakes!
I’m also glad to see the old Warriors of Chaos come back along with the Chaos Knights. I’ll be honest, I’m also a little conflicted about those in some ways. I happen to like the AoS relaunch versions quite a bit. However, the Chaos Warriors are legendary for their ability to rank-up perfectly. That was one of the nicest things about that kit and why (I think) it stayed in production for SOOOO long.
If nothing else, even if I don’t dive back into The Old World with both feet first, I’m going to snag that Arcane Journal. I’m actually interested in the lore section and some of the teasers GW mentioned are intriguing. There’s loads of characters they could dabble with because of the timeline they are working in. Who knows! Maybe I’ll get inspired to rebuild the army once again. I’ve already got a paint scheme worked out and I’m pretty sure I could hammer it out now that I’ve gotten a lot more practice with it.
That ole siren is calling once again. Chaos is on the wind…
A purely Chaos Undivided Army for Warhammer: The Old World? Hmm…I could get behind that.