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Age of Sigmar: Custom Heroes Are Coming Thanks To New ‘Anvil of Apotheosis’

3 Minute Read
Sep 6 2024

Games Workshop is adding in new rules to craft your very own custom heroes for Path to Glory armies in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

The Path to Glory rules are getting a bit of an update with the new edition and we’re getting our first taste of them from the upcoming Skaven Battletome. In particular there will be a way for players to create and customize their own champions and heroes to add to their armies. It’s a little involved but there’s a lot of potential there for narrative gamers and campaign players out there.

via Warhammer Community

With the new, much expanded Anvil of Apotheosis section in Battletome: Skaven, you can guide the twitching claw of destiny and spawn your own vile champion to command your armies on the Path to Glory.

The process is simple but effective – and there will be similar systems in all forthcoming Battletomes. There are three hero levels to choose from, each worth a base points cost, and each with a pool of Destiny Points to spend on improvements. 

Anvil of Apotheosis

To start off you choose your hero and their starting points value. That nets you Destiny Points you can then spend on the character for various boons,wargear, and other special rules. Not all of these rules are positives either — but that’s not a bad thing as it can score you more Destiny Points to spend on your character creation. Below are a few examples of the types of things you’ll be able to purchase with these Destiny Points. Naturally, these are specific to Skaven but you can bet that as each army gets their own Battletomes they will also get similar Anvil of Apotheosis Rules.


At the end of the process you’ll have a character you can call your own. I think this is a perfect fit for Path to Glory armies as it provides yet another way to customize your army to you specifically.


It’s interesting that GW is also pushing the new Anvil of Apotheosis rules as a way to bring kitbashing back. I’m not opposed to that at all as I do enjoy that aspect of the hobby. I think that the modern GW plastics do make kitbashing a more challenging than previous versions. But that’s more an issue with the amount of details on the kits and how they are “cut” to fit on the sprues. But that’s another topic.


Anvil of Apotheosis does sound cool. It’s going to be a part of the Path to Glory rules which I think is a good spot of them. I still think that Path to Glory is a really cool concept and great way to build an army. However, it does take a bit of a commitment to do. You’ll probably want to have a club or group also playing with you in a campaign setting for the best results.

Are you going to give the Anvil of Apotheosis rules a shot?

Author: Adam Harrison
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