Age of Sigmar: Skaven Points Download Now Available

Games Workshop has released the new Skaven points for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ahead of their Battletome. Time to get list building for the new edition!
The way the points will be presented in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar is changing and the upcoming Skaven Battletome is the first example of this change. The points will no longer be in the books and instead will be available for all to download for free.
All points are digital this edition, and found via a QR code in the back of each battletome or directly from the downloads page right here on Warhammer Community. It’s all contained in the download linked below, so now you know just how many Clanrats and Stormvermin you can fit in alongside Vizzik Skour.
Download the Skaven Points Here
New Skaven Points Are Free
The good news is that all of the points for the new edition will be updated and released for free. You’ll be able to find all of them when they come out from the WarCom downloads section for Age of Sigmar. These points include every unit you’ll be able to take from the Skaven Battletome and also the additional Chaos Regiments, too:
If you want the full Skaven roster be sure to head over to the downloads and snag them yourself.
Now some folks might be wondering “why the change?” There’s a couple of factors that Games Workshop goes over. There’s issues of access and fairness. There’s the issue of updates and points adjustments. And of course there’s the QR code redemption for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar App, too.
In their article they do cover all of these topics with a bit more information from their side of the issues. It makes senses what they are doing and this really is just expanding what they’ve been moving towards for a long time: free points online that can be updated digitally.
At the same time it does feel a little strange to not have any points in the Battletomes. That’s probably just a feeling caused by previous editions and the “that’s how it’s always been done” mentality. But I think that overall this is a good change. If you want a physical copy of the points, I’d suggest downloading them as a PDF first and then printing them out — if you really want them. Otherwise, you can view them online. There’s also the Warhammer Age of Sigmar App you can use, too.
So get out there and start list building with the new Skaven!