Age of Sigmar: Skaven ‘Vizzik Skour’ & ‘Krittok Foulblade’ Rules Reveal

Games Workshop is teasing the new rules for Vizzik Skour and Krittok Foulblade. Here come the heads of the Skaven!
There’s a bunch of new Skaven coming to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar soon enough. Today, we’re getting our first rules teases for Vizzik Skour and Krittok Foulblade. Not only will these two new characters be getting great new plastic kits, they are also getting some fancy rule to match.
“Vizzik Skour is a Verminlord, a daemon of the Horned Rat whose existence can be traced back to when Kragnos broke free from his mountain prison. At the moment he escaped, the bells across Blight City tolled a blessed 13 times, and a terrible nether-thing crawled out of the heart of the Masterburrow. This strange entity proved dangerous and difficult to cow, and it was only by sacrificing thousands of rat-thralls in an act of profane worship that it would be calmed. “
Vizzik Skour
This new character for Skaven for Warhammer Age of Sigmar has some potent rules to match his stature. For starters, he’s a Priest (2) so you can bet he’s bringing the prayers and “blessings” from the Horned Rat. Secondly, he’s got a once per battle ability that let’s him re-roll his chanting rolls:
That certainly not bad at all! But it doesn’t stop there. It’s what he can do with those prayers that count.
Getting to double-up on Fight abilities is already really good. But letting TWO units double up is even better! This one is definitely a slower burn though. You almost don’t want to pass it the first time to store those ritual points up for the following turn.
There’s going to be a lot more for this mighty Vermin Lord, too. But GW is still holding the rest of his rules close to their chest.
Krittok Foulblade
“Krittok’s tactics instil a glimmer of hope in his followers, but it is all cold pragmatism – why throw away precious forces today which can be better used tomorrow? As such, his legions of armoured Stormvermin are terrifyingly loyal, and he inspires them to fight more savagely, seeking approval with each assault.”
Krittok’s a Stormvermins choice to lead them into battle. He’s got a way with getting his rat-men to do what he wants them to do. But perhaps more importantly, he makes them even deadlier in combat.
That extra +1 to wound is going to be very helpful for your Stormvermin’s mass of attacks. But speaking of mass attacks, Krittok’s no slouch in combat — if he can keep his sword bound to his will.
Doomfang has a really solid profile for attacks with the possibility of 10 damage (not counting Crits). He can also strike-first if need be. That can certainly help Krittok surprise his foe with a quick strike leaving them dead before they can go!
The Skaven are coming to pre-order this weekend from Games Workshop. And the Vermin Tide already proved it’s rising…but how much higher will it go!?