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Age of Sigmar: Skaven Wave Up Close – The Horned Rat Arrives

4 Minute Read
Sep 7 2024

The new Skaven was has arrived in the studio and we’ve got them built and assembled. Get ready for the Skaven Invasion of plastic rats!

Get your Gnawholes ready for the new batch of Skaven miniatures about to burst forth. It’s a big release window and all these miniature are up for pre-order this weekend from Games Workshop. It’s an exciting time for AoS players and Skaven in particular as this refresh has been years in the making. So let’s dive in and check out the new goodies in all their plastic glory!

Vizzik Skour Prophet Horned Rat

Vizziok is one of, if not the, centerpiece models for the Skaven range now. It’s a really impressive miniature and he’s on a big base. He’s imposing on the battlefield and, being the avatar of the Horned Rat, will most certainly try to get the job done! If you’re a Skaven player or collector I would pick him up just because he’s that cool as a miniature.

Krittok Foulblade

Krittok might not be as large or as imposing as Vizzok, but he’s essentially the new melee character on the block. If you want to go with a more traditional stand and fight army build for your Skaven (meaning a heavy focus on Stormvermin) you’ll want Krittok leading.




The Doom-Flayer update is finally here and these are classic Skaven balls-of-death. I like the redesign! I also really like the overall look of these contraptions. The beaten metal and pseudo-mechanical mechanisms inside make it seem like the Doom-Flayers could be actual working machines.


Here comes the new Warp-Grinder! Again, I really like the look of all the Skaven equipment. This looks like a really Skaven take on mining equipment. The generator that’s powering the grinder is a nice touch.

Warpspark Weapon Battery


You get three of these in the box and you can assemble them with various weapon options. I think this is going to be quite the popular addition to the Skaven range, too!

Warlock Galvaneer

One thing this Skaven wave is NOT lacking is new heroes to choose from. The Warlock Glavaneer is ready to turn it up to 11 and make with the blastin’!


If you want to go with a character that’s got that Skaven Engineering along with some Warp-Stone sorcery then the Arch-Warlock is the one for you. The mechanical arm is how you know he means business!



The entire Stormvermin unit got a nice upgrade. WE have the unit leader and the Standard Bearer above. I like the redesign and it does make them seem more “professional” as the melee unit for the Skaven. I think the armor and glaives are a great change and I can’t wait to see what the community does with these units.

Master Moulder

The Master Moulder really starts to lean into the grotesque side of things for the Skaven. You can clearly see this little fella has been experimenting with Warp-Stone. And not just on himself. I feel like if you’re going to bring this guy then you’re going to also want to bring the next entry…

Brood Terror


Yep. The Brood Terror takes the cake for Skaven grotesqueness. It’s basically a Master Moulder that decided to attach himself to one of these things. Or maybe it was one too many Warp-Stone smoothies. I don’t really know. What I can tell you for sure is that this miniature is going to rival the Nurgle miniatures for gross-factor.

I hope you’re ready for the next round of Skaven coming soon… because they are invading regardless!

Author: Adam Harrison
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