Age of Sigmar: Three Warbands Join Warcry With Free Rule Download

Games Workshop has updated the Warcry Rules to add three more warbands and you might already have them ready to go!
If you’re having a little trouble getting to the latest WarCom article, you’re not alone. Just a tip that fixed it for me: I changed the setting from “US/Canada English” to “UK English” and the articles loaded. The setting is on the top right of the page.
Hopefully that get sorted quick for them. Anyhow, today GW put out some new rules for Warcry for the following warbands:
- Stormcast Eternals Ruination Chamber
- Darkoath
- Brand’s Oathbound
You can find more at the article linked here. So what’s new for these warbands? Let’s check them out!
Ruination Chamber
One of the biggest boons the Ruination Chamber has is their new Reaction ability called Ancient Aura. It’s pretty mean as it can just shut off enemy fighter’s abilities. This warband also gains access to miniatures you might already own if you picked up one of the launch boxes for AoS.
“Their Warbands are made up of Prosecutors, Reclusians, and a variety of heroes such as the Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker, Lord-Terminos, Lord-Veritant, and the upcoming Knight-Azyros. “
From the sound of things this is going to be one TOUGH warband to take on. My advice against them is to try and play the objective game vs them. If you can get ahead on points they might have a tough time catching up due to their small numbers.
If you’re wanting to go with a warband that’s a bunch of crazy “mere mortals” then the Darkoath might be for you. They make oaths to the dark gods and if those get fulfilled they get some nice bonuses.
“By successfully fulfilling the Oath of Murder a fighter can become favoured, earning a free [double] with a value of 1, such as Raider’s Tenacity, for some gratis healing on a variety of fighters.”
Additionally, they Darkoath do have some access to some much beefier fighters, too:
They also have access to Darkoath Chieftains on Warsteeds, Fellriders, Marauders, and the gnarly looking Wilderfiend above!
Brand’s Oathbound
On top of the Darkoath, there’s also the sub-faction of Brand’s Oathbound.
They actually get many of the benefits of the Dathoath but also have some of their own rules to play with. Like Carve a Path to Glory above.
For this sub-faction, they get access to Gunnar and Singri Brand, Warqueen Tanari, Broken Nadja, and Dendrel Direbrand.
If you’d like to get your hands on these rules and more you can download them all here. It’s worth noting there’s additional warband updates included in the rules, too.
“The Skaven reinforce their flea-bitten hordes with the Claword on Gnawbeast, Warplock Engineer, and newly equipped Rat Ogors, while the Knight-Questor and Thunderstrike-armoured Liberators prepare to quash them.
Last year’s changes to the Ironjawz Ardboys are also reflected in the update, which introduces the Arbdoy Boss, and updates existing Ardboy profiles to match their new options. “
Prepare for the next season of Warcry coming soon!