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‘Call of Cthulhu’ Unleashes A New 1920’s Campaign – ‘The Order Of The Stone’

2 Minute Read
Sep 26 2024

The Order of the Stone is a “horror mystery in three parts” for Call of Cthulhu that takes investigators through the roaring 20s.

There is just something about the 1920s that feels like, “Yeah, that’s about the time when people would be looking into the Eldritch and Occult.” Maybe it’s the Art Deco vibes; maybe it’s all the gaiety and social excess against a backdrop of industrialization that makes the poor feel poorer and the rich feel richer. Maybe it’s the atmosphere of horror lingering from the massacres of World War I. Whatever the reason, the 20s are de rigeur for Call of Cthulhu campaigns.

And Chaosium has just released a new one, The Order of the Stone. This horror mystery in three parts invites players and keepers to thwart the plot of an evil cult across the world. Here’s what we know!

The Order of the Stone – A 1920s Campaign for Call of Cthulhu

From the sound of it, The Order of the Stone is as classic a Cthulhu campaign as you can get. Investigators are looking into the workings of a cult’s evil plot. At the same time, a team of archaeologists, misguided and unaware of the horrors that lurk beyond the edges of understanding, brings back an exciting new find from some ruins in Ireland. An exciting new find that will, of course, unleash an Elder Horror if things go according to the cultist’s diabolical plan.

Featuring a boat, maps, and three different scenarios that link together into an entire campaign, The Order of the Stone gives you the full Call of Cthulhu experience.

In Ireland, an archaeological team unearths an ancient horror, trapped within three stone vessels. The foul entity sets its followers on a journey to free it from its prison, crossing the Atlantic to New England and the backwoods of rural Massachusetts.

Can the investigators prevent the liberation of the Ruler of Chaos? Will they discover the secrets of the Order of the Stone?”

This boxed set comes with a full suite of maps, handouts, and other Keeper resources, as well as six different pre-generated investigators, each with a different reason for tackling the case.

Keepers might also be interested in the deck plans for the S.S. Champagne, a sort of centerpiece of the campaign. At any rate, The Order of the Stone is available now!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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