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D&D 5.5E: The Aasimar – Special Beautiful Angels That YOU Can Play

3 Minute Read
Sep 12 2024

Do you want to play someone who is better than everyone else, but isn’t an elf? You should consider playing one of 5.5E’s Aasimar.

D&D 5.5E introduces a whole cavalcade of new and old fantasy creatures you can play. There are ten playable species in the Player’s Handbook, with enough variation among them that you’ll have character concepts for the next year at least. It ought to last you through to the Forgotten Realms books next year.

And among them, some classic D&D concepts return – like the Aasimar. Aasimar are the most special of all mortals. They’re touched by angels, infused by celestial power, and they’re a great way to be better than everyone when you don’t want to be an elf.

Aasimar in 5.5E – Magical Girl Transformation Sequence as a Bonus Action

What is an Aasimar? Originating in Planescape back in 2nd Edition as a celestial counterpart to the fiendish tieflings. In 5.5E, they are “mortals who carry a spark of the Upper Planes within their souls.” They could be the descendants of angelic beings. They could be infused with celestial power from a planar event. Whatever the reason, Aasimar are often marked by the power within them with unique features like glowing eyes, a literal halo, and angelic skin color.

But what does playing one mean? Well, for starters, you get resistance to Necrotic and Radiant damage, as well as Darkvision out to 60 feet. You also gain the ability to dole out Celestial Magic in the form of casting the Light cantrip and administering Healing Hands. The latter feature lets you use a Magic Action to touch a creature and heal them once per Long Rest, healing 1d4 damage per point of Proficiency Bonus you have.

Not a bad way to become an outlander hero or a folk healer. Or even just someone people turn to when things are dark and dire. Of course, when things really get dire (and once you hit 3rd level) you know how to unleash the full might of your heritage, complete with a magical girl transformation sequence and everything.

“When you reach character level 3, you can transform as a Bonus Action using one of the options below (choose the option each time you transform). The transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it (no acion required). Once you transform, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.”

– 5th Edition Player’s Handbook, Revised, pg 188

While transformed, you deal extra Necrotic or Radiant damage equal to your proficiency bonus and can pick one of three options:

  • Heavenly Wings – Gain two spectral wings and a Fly Speed for 1 minute
  • Inner Radiance – Searing light radiates from you, shedding Bright Light out to ten feet and damaging creatures within 10 feet of you
  • Necrotic Shroud – Emanate a fearful aura that makes non-allies within 10 feet Frightened

So if you’re looking to play a character like Dame Aylin from Baldur’s Gate 3. Or maybe Yasha from Critical Role, Campaign 2. Or maybe you have your own spin on being touched by the heavens themselves. Either way, an Aasimar is a great way to lean into that.

And it’s all official in the new PHB – you can be literally holier than thou!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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