D&D: Five Organizations Your Character Might Want to Join

From thieves’ guilds to the Harpers, here are five secret societies your character might want to join. At least for a little while.
One of the staples of fantasy stories are whole guilds of adventurers. Or thieves. Or other like-minded individuals that come together for a common cause. The many worlds of D&D are full of organizations that your player character might join. Here are a few to consider talking to your DM about.
The Harpers
It wouldn’t be a list of D&D organizations if it didn’t feature the Harpers. The Harpers are a semi-secret organization dedicated to defending the innocent from the forces of evil, whatever forms they make take. They also seek to preserve historical lore and ancient secrets, to study magic, and to try, on rare occasion, to maintain the balance between civilization and nature.
They are as do-gooder as an organization comes. And that makes them excellent friends or foils in any game of D&D.
The Shadow Thieves
You gotta have a thieves guild. And the Shadow Thieves are exactly that, in case the name hadn’t given it away. This secretive consortium of thieves operates throughout western Faerun, though their main headquarters are rumored to be in the Amnian city of Crimmor. This shadowy organization was once exiled from the city of Waterdeep. And after their banishment, they became much more secretive.
Now, they are ruled by a Shadow Council, and only the upper echelon knows the true complexity and nature of the Shadow Thieves. But secrecy and shadows are their chief weapons, and they wield them well, stealing both goods and secrets to help them stay alive.
A Dragonmarked House
Eberron’s world is a unique one among D&D worlds. Full of magic and industry working hand in hand, there are a number of Great Houses that are also sort of like Guilds. The Dragonmarked Houses bear the touch of prophecy and destiny within them: to be a member, one is often in possession of a Dragonmark. But they are always in need of agents and operative.
Working for one of the Dragonmarked Houses will be sure to put you in touch with powerful people. What you do once you’ve come in contact with them, is up to you.
The Simic Combine
Do you prefer your missions to be a little more…scientific? Full of strange creatures and a surprising amount of water and mutations? Them the Simic Combine might be right for you. One of the many big guilds of Ravnica, the Simic Combine is an academic organization first, and an adventuring one second.
Because after all, you’ve got to be able to test out your theories otherwise what was even the point of making a human/eel/manta ray hybrid? When not making abominations, members of the Simic Combine often study the world around them.
The Society of Sensation
Finally, we have the Society of Sensation. One of the many Factions that inhabit Sigil, City of Doors, the Society of Sensation is united in its belief that the multiverse only exists through the senses—and as a result, the only way to know the universe is to experience as much of it as possible.
The Sensates are driven to seek out unique experiences (which makes them perfect for adventurers, who often end up in the most unique circumstances). They will often go to the literal ends of the earth to try and track down a new sensation or mystery of the universe itself.
What are some of your favorite organizations in D&D?