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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Always Clean Your Blade

3 Minute Read
Sep 3 2024

The new Rumor Engine is all about proper care and maintenance for your bladed weapons. Or maybe Games Workshop is trying to tell us something.

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Tuesday and a new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. Today is we’ve got another mess on our hands. Or at least someone does. I’ve already got a theory or two but first you should have a look for yourself!

via Warhammer Community

“What’s worse than a wickedly sharp blade? One moist with unidentifiable goo. We don’t even know what colour those droplets are; red would be pretty bad, but imagine if they were green – that’s cruise control for “Look at me, I’m poison”.”

Rumor Engine – Always Clean Your Blade

So what are we looking at? Well let’s try to break this one down a bit. We’ve got a humanoid hand holding a very jagged blade. On the blade are some rather gnarly looking droplets. As the text teased, if that’s blood-red, that’s probably bad. But what if those drops are green? Well…that could possibly be worse!

My gut instinct was that this blade reminded me of the Old School Empire Greatswords. You know the ones:

Perhaps we’re getting a new version of them for Either The Old World or even The Cities of Sigmar. But on closer inspection and thought, I’m not sure. Perhaps that’s a vampire holding the weapon. They do like the blood after all…


I could see this being a lot of things but I’m leaning towards something more fantastical than Sci-Fi. That said, I think it being from the Grimdark side of the house isn’t out of the realm of possibilities. There’s always Chaos after-all!

Still, the way the droplets are curved is throwing me for a loop. Why are they all connected like that? I don’t think blood flows quite like that. So maybe this is something else entirely. It’s almost like the metal is melting off the blade. If this was in color it would be quite an interesting image. That would probably still leave us in the dark on this one though.

Liquid Metal? I know a guy…


If you’ve got any ideas on this one please share them with the rest of us. This is a pretty good tease from GW for sure.


If blade was liquid metal, why would the hand be holding it then? 

Author: Adam Harrison
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