Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Fire & Flames

Someone call the Fire Department because there’s a fire happening with the Games Workshop Rumor Engine. But what’s burning?
Get ready for another puzzle of a Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. Today’s teaser is of something on fire. It could be a lot of things but before we start guessing you really should take a look for yourself.
“Ooh, fire. That makes a change from all the liquid we’ve been seeing in the Rumour Engine this month, but we haven’t the foggiest what’s actually burning.”
Rumor Engine Fire & Flames
So what are we looking at? Well, clearly something is on fire. Is that a branch or a torch? Maybe both? Those flames could also be painted the traditional red/orange/yellow of fire — but what if they were spectral flames? It wouldn’t be the first time GW made a miniature with those types of flames on them.
Now, I’m not saying that’s my final answer — but I am saying there’s a lot of different types of flames when it comes to Warhammer miniatures.
That’s not even the tip of the iceberg either. What if that material isn’t even wood?! What if we have something more on the molten-side of things…
Honestly, this one is just rather vague and hard to tell. That’s what makes it a tough Rumor Engine to sort out. For all we know this could be a flaming Tree-Lord from the Sylvaneth!
I really don’t have any major hints or clues to pull from this one. That’s where you come in. If you spot something in this image that tickles your brain and gives you an idea of what it could be drop us a line in the comments and share it with the class! This one is a tough one — other than “Fire!” we don’t have much else to go on…
Through the fire and the flames we carry on…