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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Quicksand Trap

3 Minute Read
Sep 17 2024

I think some has really stepped into it based on this latest Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. This is why quicksand is scary.

We’re back with a new Tuesday Games Workshop Rumor Engine. Today’s image invokes a primal fear of drowning in what could be quicksand. Or a liquid. Or really a pool of biomass — It’s hard to tell. Have a look for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

First the Rumour Engine was too wet, and now it’s too dry? You’re saying there’s not enough water? Well, we’ll give you water… Just remember – you asked for this.

Rumor Engine – Quicksand Trap

So again, looking this one over, I’m not sure if it’s sand or liquid or even molten metal at this point. All we can really see is a hand reaching out of a pool of …something. The background in the image also looks odd. That’s why I’m entirely sure what this surface really is. Maybe it’s mud!

I honestly have no idea what this one could be. Maybe it’s from an upcoming terrain kit? What else would have a humanoid hand reaching out from it? If this is a base for a miniature that’s going to be a larger base.


As far as which system this is for I also have no idea. I think we can rule out Legions Imperialis… but that’s about it. Because it’s a humanoid hand this one could fit in Warhammer 40k or AoS pretty easy. The hand is also pretty non-distinct. There’s no armor or wargear. There’s not any rings, gloves, or wrist guards either. This could be basically any unfortunate person that stepped into this pool. Or was thrown in…

Is this the deep desert? Perhaps a mud pool in the jungle? Maybe it’s a pool of muck from industrial waste? What if it’s a pool of biomass and the Tyranids just tossed a limb of a Guardsmen in there to be digested?! Your guess is as good as mine. So this is where I’m turning this one over to you. If you have any ideas as to what this could be let us know in the comments. This Rumor Engine is going to be a tough one to decipher…


Someone toss this poor soul a rope to pull themselves out with!


Author: Adam Harrison
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