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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Saw-Tooth Blade

3 Minute Read
Sep 10 2024

This latest Rumor Engine from Games Workshop is pretty straightforward. It’s one gnarly looking saw-tooth blade!

Welcome to yet another Tuesday as once again time marches on. We’ve got a new Rumor Engine to chew on only this time it bites back! Watch out for those Saw-teeth as they look like they are ready to tear into …everything.

via Warhammer Community

The prevailing feedback we got from last week’s Rumour Engine was that it was ‘too wet’. We can understand this: that is not a healthy amount of liquid slopping off a blade. Never fear, kind readers, as we’ve dug around our pile of Rumour Engine printouts and found the driest, most moisture-free blade ever depicted.

Rumor Engine – Saw-Tooth Blade

My very first reaction to this one is that it’s for the Orruks from Age of Sigmar. It’s got that same look of beaten metal and raw aggression they are known for.

And, not to call out the painting team too much here, the paint scheme is similar even in black and white. While we won’t know for 100% accuracy until this get revealed I’m feeling pretty good about this one.


On top of that, we know that the Orruks Warclans are getting a Spearhead in 2025. Does that mean a new miniature is on the way? And does that mean a new Battletome? If you can decipher the road maps that GW put out, then the answer is “probably?”

We’ll have to wait and see for sure. But, much like the Orruks, this Rumor Engine will be revealed at some point in the future. For now, I’m sticking with my best guess that this is for an Orruk. When it comes down to specifics I really don’t know. It could be a new character, a new miniature for a unit, or even some special edition miniature.

I think I will go out on a limb and suggest this is likely an Ironjawz miniature over a Kruleboyz option however. I know technically they are both in the Orruk Warclans so I’ll pick a side there.


If you’ve got any other ideas drop us a line in the comments with your theory and why.


That is one gnarly looking hunk of metal!

Author: Adam Harrison
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